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Office of the Provost

Professional-Track Promotions

Candidate File Preparation Guide

The Office of the Provost will work with the University Committee on Professional-Track Faculty in 2024-2025 to create a required candidate form and bookmark structure. While this form is under development, it is recommended that units use a modified version of the tenure-track primary file form, available online at the provost’s office website at Candidate File Preparation. Due to the diverse nature of disciplines and in order to best present candidates’ scholarship, sub-headings in the forms under the standard headings may be created or deleted, or alternate headings may be used if those better describe the various activities. It is always up to candidates to decide how to best present their file in a way that demonstrates fulfillment of unit criteria.

Files should be assembled using the bookmarks below.

Candidate Cover Sheet
Vote Summary Form
Unit Criteria
Workload Allocation (recommended)
MOU (if needed)
Scholarship and Research
Personal Statement
List of Supporting Material in Secondary File
Teaching Summary 
Peer Reviews of Teaching
List of External Reviewers (if applicable)
Sample Letter to External Reviewers (if applicable)
External Review Letters (if applicable)
External Reviewers’ Brief CVs (if applicable)
Other Letters (if needed)
Unit Promotion Ballots
Candidate Appeal (if needed)
Chair’s Letter
Dean’s Letter

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
