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Office of the Provost

Tenure and Promotion

Post Tenure Review

Each tenured faculty member, regardless of rank and including those in departmental administrative positions, will be reviewed every six years unless, during the previous six year period, the faculty member is reviewed and advanced to or retained in a higher position (such as dean, an endowed chair or named professorship, promotion to a higher professorial rank). Sabbatical leave does not affect post-tenure review (PTR). The following schedule and calendar indicates the ordinary post-tenure review cycle, as well as extended review cycles for up to a maximum of three allowed extensions. Post-tenure review will be waived, however, for any faculty member who notifies the unit chair in writing of retirement within three years of the next scheduled review.

Post-Tenure Review

Post-Tenure Review Schedule and Calendar [pdf]

The Faculty Manual is the final authority on post-tenure review policies and procedures; see also policy ACAF 1.31: Extension of Faculty Tenure-Track Probationary Period and Scheduled Post-Tenure Review [pdf]: Extension of Faculty Tenure-Track Probationary Period and Scheduled Post-Tenure Review. Please contact the relevant department chair or dean for department- or college-specific post-tenure review guidelines, as well as reviewing the appropriate unit criteria for post-tenure review.

Please see the university Faculty Work Life Policies webpage for additional information regarding extension of the post-tenure review process, including the appropriate policies and forms.

Submit Post-Tenure Review Results

Please submit post-tenure review results through the secure document submission link above.

For administrative use only


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