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Office of the Provost

  • Sunlight filters down through the trees on a monument at the center of the horseshoe

Tenure and Promotion

The University of South Carolina is committed to recruiting, retaining, and promoting outstanding faculty who demonstrate excellence in teaching, research, service, and outreach. The University believes that the presence of a high quality and diverse community of scholars is necessary to achieve such excellence.

The Columbia Faculty Manual contains university guidelines for tenure and promotion. Unit Criteria and procedures for tenure and promotion are available online. The University Committee on Tenure and Promotions Guidelines for Units: Preparing Criteria and Files [pdf] also provides information for candidates and units on the compilation, submission, and confidential handling of tenure and promotion files.

University Supportive Actions for Faculty during Covid-19

Covid-19 policies regarding extensions and faculty evaluation processes remain in effect; these policy statements for all colleagues involved in faculty evaluation processes are important for showing compassion and flexibility during the disruption of Covid -19 and the aftermath of the pandemic. Candidates are encouraged to include Covid impact statements in their files; units are urged to continue conversations about how unit criteria might, without formal modification, reasonably accommodate pandemic impacts, particularly with respect to the quantity and timing of research output. All candidate portfolios should be considered thoughtfully in the evaluation of the candidate’s achievement relative to opportunity. Please see the following provost and UCTP statement for additional details.

Covid-19 Impact on Faculty - March 27, 2020 [pdf]
Covid-19 Impact on Faculty - November 18, 2020 [pdf]
Provost UCTP statement clarification - February 15, 2021 [pdf]


Submit Candidate Names

We appreciate your patience as the Office of the Provost finalizes a new submission portal for all candidate names for both promotions for professional-track faculty and tenure and promotions for tenure-track faculty. 

Submit Unit Tenure and Promotion Committee Chair Names

This submission portal is also being redesigned to be launched in Spring 2025, to include both tenure and promotion committee chairs and professional-track faculty committee chairs. If you are reporting the name of a unit tenure and promotion committee chair for 2024-2025, please use the link below. The requirement to report professional-track promotion committee chair names takes effect April 15, 2025.

Submit unit T&P chairs.


The Office of the Provost is currently reorganizing the tenure and promotion documents housed on this website, which may result in temporary issues with links and some documents. We appreciate your patience as we update this information to provide you user-friendly and current information, particularly as it relates to Covid-19 impacts. If you need assistance, please direct questions to

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