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Office of the Provost

  • Water fountain sprays while students walk in background

Our Offices

First Generation College Students

The Office of the Provost would like to highlight First Generation college students, who are from families where neither parent attended any college. 

First Generation students are talented, hard-working, and proud to represent their family here. Research shows that these students often have difficulty navigating the bureaucracy and expectations of a university and accessing all of the opportunities and resources that universities such as USC have to offer.  Mentoring for these students is very impactful, and faculty members and staff are in a unique position to mentor and guide those who are now finding their way as first-generation college students.

As a way of starting the conversation with First Generation students, we invite First Generation college graduates who have contact with students to self-identify to students either inside or outside of the classroom and discuss some of the challenges that you have faced.  

Identify as First Generation

If you would like a sticker or pin that identifies you as a First Generation College Graduate, please fill out the form on the right and you will be sent the material via regular campus mail.  Please know that participation is purely voluntary.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.