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Office of the Provost

Tenure and Promotion

University Committee on Tenure and Promotions

The University Committee on Tenure and Promotions (UCTP) is an important faculty committee composed of 24 tenured, full professors. The UCTP formally evaluates and votes on all tenure and promotion files.

The committee then reports its recommendations directly to the president. The UCTP works with the Office of the Provost and has final approval for all revisions to the statements of criteria and procedures for tenure and promotion submitted by the various academic units at the university.

Finally, the UCTP provides guidance on the tenure and promotion process to units and candidates.  Units can find help preparing and revising their criteria and procedures for tenure and/or promotion in the UCTP Guidelines for Units: Preparing Criteria and Files [pdf] document.  Guidance for the compilation, submission, and confidential handling of tenure or promotion files can also be found in the UCTP Guidelines document.

The UCTP also organizes an annual spring workshop on reading day for colleagues applying for tenure and promotion.

For a roster of the current committee members, please see the Office of the Faculty Senate’s Committee webpage.

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