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Office of the Provost

Tenure and Promotion

Tenure-Progress Review

All pre-tenure faculty members will submit a tenure-progress review file and receive a written evaluation of their progress toward tenure and promotion in the third year after appointment. This evaluation, commonly known as third-year review, may be performed by the unit tenure and promotions committee or otherwise as provided by the unit criteria.

The Faculty Manual is the final authority on tenure-progress review policies and procedures, along with policy ACAF 1.05: Tenure Progress Review of Faculty: Third-Year Review [pdf]. Faculty undergoing tenure-progress review and those involved in faculty evaluation should familiarize themselves with the procedures described therein.

Tenure-Progress Review Calendar and Extensions

Tenure-Progress Review Calendar [pdf]
Tenure-Clock Schedule for Faculty Hired at the Rank of Assistant Professor [pdf]
Tenure-Clock Schedule for Faculty Hired at the Rank of Associate Professor [pdf]

Tenure-Progress Review follows the calendar above. Individual colleges and schools determine their own internal schedules for tenure-progress review; please consult with the dean’s office for a calendar including college/school specific deadlines. Please see also the appropriate tenure-clock schedule above for additional information on tenure-clock extensions and candidate timelines, as well as the university Faculty Work Life Policies webpage for the relevant extension forms.

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