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Office of the Provost

Leadership Development Programs

LEAD (Supervisory Essentials)

7 sessions (17.5 hours), both online or face-to-face

Leaders define, influence and model the core values of our university. The program is required (Policy HR 1.51 [pdf] for all supervisors of University staff hired into a supervisory position).

Managing High Performing Teams

12 courses (16.5 hours), both online or face-to-face

Explore what is required of teams and team leaders to build high performing teams.

Effective Communication

7 courses (15 hours), both online or face-to-face options

This certificate program explores the skills individuals need for effective communication. Sessions include methods for advocacy and inquiry and how we can see and overcome obstacles to communicate with one another successfully.

Emerging Leaders Program

Nomination Process

ELP prepares early-career, high potential faculty and staff leaders for mid-level leadership positions at USC.  This program develops the leader through skill building focused on influence, collaboration and leading self, others, teams, projects, and change management. 

Supervisors are required to have completed or started LEAD. Check the linked page for more eligibility details.

Pipeline for Academy Leaders Fellowship Program

Nomination Process

The PAL Fellowship is a year-long invitation-only program for mid level campus leaders who are ready to take their already considerable talents to the next level while addressing USC's capacity-building needs. 

Preference is given to those who have completed or started Managing High Performing Teams or Effective Communication. Check the linked page for more eligibility details.

SEC Academic Leadership Development

Nomination Process

The SEC ALDP program is a year-long invitation only program for senior faculty that seeks to develop the next generation of academic leadership by introducing faculty to the unique challenges of academic administration at major research universities. The program is geared for faculty who have demonstrated exceptional ability and leadership promise.  

Preference is given to those who have completed PALS and have completed or started Effective Communication by August 16, 2024.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.