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Office of the Provost

Faculty and staff information for campus reopening

As the University of South Carolina prepares for Hurrican Matthew and how it will affect Columbia and the surrounding areas, the Office of the Provost, in conjunction with the Division of Student Affairs and Academic Support, has compiled important information for faculty and staff to prepare for students returning to class next week.

University policy indicates that weather-related emergencies are potentially excusable absences.  Faculty should not penalize students for class cancellation due hazardous weather.

Course Schedule, Grading & Assignments

With three days  of classes cancelled, it’s critical that we come together as a team.  I know our faculty are committed to retaining the integrity of their classes but we ask for creativity and flexibility in how you deliver content and assess performance as you make up for this lost time.  Options could include: “doubling-up” on material in subsequent classes, offering material online or in handouts for student self-study or offering an extra class session to make-up the missed session. Faculty should not penalize students for failure to attend a make-up class session outside of the regularly scheduled time slot. Make-up classes cannot be required on Reading Day.  The Center for Teaching Excellence offers tips and resources for faculty during inclement weather. We can work also with facilities, tutoring, etc. to build resources to assist as we work through this.

For those who have assignments due this week or next, you may also consider flexible and creative ways to work with new deadlines. 

Withdrawal Date Change
Due to the cancellation of classes this week, the deadline for dropping a course with a grade of "W" will be extended by October 14 (first day W/F assigned will be October 15).  We respectfully request that all faculty teaching this term give the pre-drop test or assignment if they have one in time for our students to make an informed decision prior to the deadline. The Office of the Registrar will adjust the deadlines for smaller Parts of Term affected by the cancellation. Please check their website for this updated information.

Student Services and Assistance
Though the Columbia Campus is closed while the state prepares for Hurricane Matthew, we're still providing essential services, academic support and a number of events and activites for students.


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