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Office of the Provost

2018 United Way Campaign

Nov. 1 - Nov 30

Each year, Gamecock employees pay it forward by participating in our annual United Way campaign. Last year, with our help, 32,000 of our community members were served through programs supported by United Way. This year’s campaign runs from November 1 - November 30!

USC’s annual campaign is done on line through a secure web portal, said Mary Alexander, USC’s United Way campaign coordinator. Donors can simply go to Donors will be asked to register, then make their pledge through payroll deduction, check or credit card. Donors who used the site last year will be required to register again. The whole process should take about 5 minutes.

View more about United Way campaign activities occurring across campus. 


Serving Midlands Residents

United Way of the Midlands serves residents in Calhoun, Fairfield, Lexington, Newberry, Orangeburg and Richland counties by focusing on improving children’s reading skills, preventing homelessness, and providing access to health care for those who are uninsured.

United Way’s education funding primarily supports early childhood education, after school programs, mentoring and summer reading camps.

Financial stability dollars are used to provide services and long term housing for the homeless, free tax preparation services and support to unaccompanied youth released from foster care.

United Way funds also are earmarked to support health issues in the community such as a children’s dental clinic, home delivered meals and home health services.

Finally, following 2015’s devastating flood, United Way dollars are being used to rebuild homes damaged by the flood water. “We are seeing a lot of homes that remain uninhabitable because of mold that is making the residents very sick,” Fawcett said. “So far we have rebuilt more than 200 homes here in the Midlands.

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