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Office of the Provost

USC Visits Chinese Universities

The University of South Carolina has long-standing relationships with universities throughout China. These collaborations are critical to Global Carolina—USC’s effort to advance internationalization through student engagement, research collaborations, faculty exchanges, and other dual projects and programs.

One way the Global Carolina initiative, which is housed in the Office of the Provost and led by Vice Provost Allen Miller, has been exhibiting the importance of growing these relationships is through increasing the number of Chinese universities who are USC partners as well as the scope and depth of existing collaborations. For example, the Office of the Provost facilitated a visit by USC leadership members to mainland China and Taiwan last summer, and then USC hosted faculty and students from Guangxi Medical University in November and a leadership delegation from Henan University in early January 2017.

In January of this year, Global Carolina organized a trip to mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau to develop new and existing relationships between USC and four Chinese universities.

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from the Arnold School of Public Health.


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