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Office of the Provost

Professional Activity and Financial Interest Reporting System (AIR)

The Office of the Provost and the Office of Research are pleased to announce that USC faculty now have a new, more efficient way to submit required reports, the (Professional) Activity and (Financial) Interest Reporting System (AIR). AIR is a web-based, electronic method to submit, review, and track reports related to outside professional activities and financial interests. 

AIR implements a streamlined approach for collecting annual reports required by USC policy ACAF 1.50, Outside Professional Activities and financial disclosures required by RSCH 1.06, Disclosure of Financial Interests Related to Sponsored Projects.  Previously, this reporting was handled through two separate mechanisms, an annual report in a paper format and disclosures made on a project-by-project basis in USCeRA. AIR provides the means to address all reporting requirements with one comprehensive disclosure which provides the information necessary to comply with university policy as well as government regulations. 

The most substantive change users may notice is an automated routing and approval process, which allows department chairs to receive a faculty member’s report when it is submitted.  Upon receipt, the chair may choose one of several actions, which are carried out within the system.  Otherwise, the content of the questions in AIR will be familiar to most as it is taken from the current reports and disclosures.

AIR was deployed on February 29th and is accompanied by training tools designed to assist users with navigating the system.   We anticipate that AIR will enhance efficiency and improve institutional compliance with policies and regulations related to identifying and managing conflicts of interest.

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