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Office of the Provost

Four Nuclear Engineering Faculty Awarded $2.8 Million

Four Nuclear Engineering faculty have been awarded $2.8 million worth of grants from the US Department of Energy Nuclear Engineering University Program.

Professor Ted Besmann received $800,000 for his project entitled “Phase Equilibria and Thermochemistry of Advanced Fuels: Modeling Burnup Behavior.” Professor Besmann and Professor Travis Knight also received $800,00 for their collaborative research grant regarding “Transient Reactor (TREAT) Experiments to Validate MBM Fuel Performance Simultations.”

Assistant professor Anthony Scopatz was awarded $800,000 for his project entitled “Demand Drive Cycamore Archetypes.” Dr. Scopatz and Assistant Professor Prasun Majumdar were both awarded $220,000 as co-investigators on NEUP grants.

Congratulations to these four faculty in our nuclear engineering program at the University of South Carolina.

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