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College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management

  • An overhead shot of the Grand Strand in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, with a large Ferris wheel prominently featured at dusk.

Actionable Advocacy Insights

Actionable Advocacy Insights is a series designed to help tourism industry leaders improve their advocacy planning efforts.

Empowering Advocacy 

It has never been more important for the tourism industry to engage in advocacy, but advocacy efforts require planning and the strategic use of resources. The Actionable Advocacy Insights series provides evidence-based strategies for advocacy planning and implementation. The series is designed to provide tools and information to empower tourism professionals and is powered by collaborative research between the University of South Carolina's SmartState Tourism and NC State. This research was funded by American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) and Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA), and supported by Southeast Tourism Society (STS).


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