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College of Education

Carolina Collaborative for Alternative Preparation

The Carolina Collaborative for Alternative Preparation, or CarolinaCAP, is a non-degree program leading to full licensure for teacher candidates. It is a collaboration among South Carolina school districts, the University of South Carolina, and the Center for Teaching Quality with the goal to create a high-quality alternative pathway into teaching that marries the expertise of local teachers, schools, and districts with non-profits, educational technology companies, and institutions of higher education.

CarolinaCAP Candidates will:

  • Engage in a summer launch of preparation and support prior to entering classrooms as teachers of record in Fall 2020;
  • Complete micro-credentials focusing on core pedagogical competencies and content area specific teacher knowledge, and expertise (based on assessed needs);
  • Receive individualized support working with a trained CarolinaCAP Coach via co-teaching; and
  • Learn and grow with a cohort of educators in virtual and face-to-face professional learning communities.


2020-2021 Certification Areas and Academic Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution.
  • Minimum 2.75 undergraduate GPA.
  • Applicants not meeting the 2.75 requirement will be considered for admission with a minimum 2.5 undergraduate GPA and passing scores on the three parts (reading, writing, and mathematics) of the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators.
  • Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution.
  • Minimum 2.75 undergraduate GPA.
  • Applicants not meeting the 2.75 requirement will be considered for admission with a minimum 2.5 undergraduate GPA and passing scores on the three parts (reading, writing, and mathematics) of the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators.
  • Degree in mathematics, engineering, statistics, or closely related field with a minimum of 18 hrs of mathematics coursework including a calculus sequence from a regionally accredited university.
  • Minimum 2.5 undergraduate GPA.
  • Passing scores on the SC required Praxis Subject Area Assessment for middle level mathematics.
  • Degree in biology, chemistry, physics, or closely related field with a minimum of 6 hrs of biology, 3 hrs of chemistry, and 3 hrs of physics from a regionally accredited university.
  • Minimum 2.5 undergraduate GPA.
  • Passing scores on the SC required Praxis Subject Area Assessment for middle level science.
  • Degree in biology, biomedical engineering, biomechanical engineering, biochemical engineering, or closely related field with a minimum of 18 hrs of biology coursework from a regionally accredited university.
  • Minimum 2.5 undergraduate GPA.
  • Passing scores on the SC required Praxis Subject Area Assessment for secondary biology.
  • Degree in chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemical engineering, or closely related field with a minimum of 18 hrs of chemistry coursework from a regionally accredited university.
  • Minimum 2.5 undergraduate GPA.
  • Passing scores on the SC required Praxis Subject Area Assessment for secondary chemistry.
  • Degree in mathematics, engineering, statistics, or closely related field with a minimum of 18 hrs of mathematics coursework including a calculus sequence from a regionally accredited university.
  • Minimum 2.5 undergraduate GPA.
  • Passing scores on the SC required Praxis Subject Area Assessment for secondary mathematics.
  • Degree in physics, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, or closely related field with a minimum of 18 hrs of physics coursework from a regionally accredited university.
  • Minimum 2.5 undergraduate GPA.
  • Passing scores on the SC required Praxis Subject Area Assessment for secondary physics.


Program Fees

Candidate program fees are set at $7,500 for up to three years of development and support per candidate. Funds awarded to the University of South Carolina via Proviso 1A.85 will cover $3,000 per candidate in programmatic costs for qualifying rural districts. The remaining $4,500 in participant fees will be the responsibility of partnering districts.


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.