Mission Statements
The REM Center's mission is to improve education policy and practice in the U.S., southeast region, and South Carolina. To accomplish this, we:
- Provide high-quality services in evaluation, research, measurement, and professional development to support a broad range of educational agencies and organizations.
- Develop partnerships with the education community to build evaluation capacity and improve decision making through systematic inquiry.
- Initiate research on educational policy and practice.
- Develop the capacity of future evaluators, researchers, measurement experts, and educational administrators through extensive, practice-based graduate assistantships under the supervision of expert faculty members.
- Provide valuable research related to school improvement or evaluating current improvement strategies.
- Conduct research, evaluation, and providing research-based evidence to inform educational decision making at all levels.
If you are developing a grant proposal, we are happy to help, especially regarding the evaluation and research design aspects. If you have received funding and need to identify an organization to provide evaluation or research services, contact us!