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Office of the Provost

Collaborative for Health Equity Research

USC-CHEER aims to create a vibrant, research-focused, cross-disciplinary network of USC faculty, staff, students and community collaborators. Our mission is to improve health and well-being for South Carolinians and beyond through collaborative, cross-disciplinary research and innovation to advance the field of health equity science.


The pervasiveness of health disparities is deeply rooted in social and structural (policy, legal and economic) determinants of health, such as geography, income, education, employment, and access to healthcare. Addressing these underlying factors is crucial in achieving health equity. Health inequities refer to systematic differences in health outcomes within and between populations. In South Carolina, as in other regions across the U.S., health inequities can be significant and are influenced by various factors, including socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, sex and gender identity, geographical location, education, and access to healthcare.


USC-CHEER pilot grant program

We are pleased to announce the 2024-2025 cycle of the Collaborative for Health Equity Research Pilot Grant Program. The goal of this intramural initiative is to support innovative cross-disciplinary research projects that advance health equity research aimed at achieving optimal health for all.


Request for Applications (RFA) and Submission Guidelines

The Center is calling for applications that examine important research questions related to health inequities, and it requires the collaborative efforts of two or more disciplines to answer. The proposed research should examine social determinants of health (SDOH) and related biological, behavioral and/or psychological factors that impact health and health disparities. The research project should generate pilot data for a future extramural application.

The primary populations of focus for this funding opportunity are those that experience health disparities in South Carolina, including underserved rural populations, people with disabilities, historically marginalized racial and ethnic minority populations, sexual and gender minority populations, and lower socioeconomic status. The proposed research awarded through this funding mechanism is expected to inform and guide innovative and impactful solutions using a health equity lens with the intended goal of advancing the CHEER Center’s vision and mission. 

Key Dates

  • RFA Release Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2025 
  • Letter of Intent Due Date: Friday, February 28, 2025, 5:00 p.m. 
  • Application Due Date: Friday, March 31, 2025, 5:00 p.m. 
  • Earliest Anticipated Funding Date: May 1, 2025


Faculty at the University of South Carolina Columbia.

  • All tenure-track, tenured and non-tenure-track faculty are eligible.
  • Must hold a faculty appointment at the time of award (postdoctoral fellows are not eligible). 

The Principal Investigator is expected to have the knowledge and skills to carry out the proposed research.

Applications must include investigators from two or more disciplines and a community partner investigator.

Projects are expected to collect preliminary data to support highly competitive extramural grant submissions within 12 months of project completion. Examples of expected sources of extramural funding include:

  • NIH
  • National Science Foundation

Applicable grant mechanisms include but are not limited to:

  • P01
  • R01
  • U01

External Submissions for SBIR/STTR, Research Training, Career development, Fellowship and administrative supplement grants are not eligible. The inclusion of student trainees is encouraged. 

Up to three grants will be awarded, limited to:

  • Track I: one award for up to 100K
  • Track II: no more than two additional awards up to 50K each

Research projects should be completed within 12 months and a final brief report will be due within 45 days of project completion.


Application Process

A Letter of Intent is required, consisting of a one-paragraph overview of the primary research question and study design. Indicate grant Track I or Track II and include the name and contact information of the PI/MPI. Email to no later than February 28, 2025.

Full applications should be submitted by March 31, 2025.

Application Components
  1. Face Page: (see NIH SF424) which can be downloaded from the NIH website.
  2. Specific Aims: 1 page.
  3. Research Strategy: up to 5 pages, 12-point font, single spaced, and 1-inch margins
    • Significance
    • Innovation
    • Approach/Methodology
    • Ethical considerations
    • Timeline
    • Potential Challenges and limitations
  4. References
  5. NIH Biosketches for all key personnel
  6. Letter of Commitment from the community partner/organization
  7. Detailed Budget and Justification
  8. Additional Materials (For sections b and c, the total content must not exceed 1 page.)
    1. Other Support documents
    2. Dissemination plan (publications and presentations)
    3. Description of potential health equity focused extramural grant submission and potential funding mechanism)

Submit proposal as a PDF following the above order with the subject line USC-CHEER Pilot Project Application and email to:

Questions can be sent to the attention of Gayenell S. Magwood, Ph.D. at

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.