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Office of the Provost

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Submit Unit Criteria

Unit criteria are formulated by the faculty of individual colleges, schools, and other academic units, consistent with the University of South Carolina’s commitment to achievement in research (including scholarship, creative activity in visual and performing arts), teaching, and service. Each unit shall submit its proposed promotions and tenure criteria and procedures through the department chair or school director, if applicable, to the dean.

Both tenure-track and professional-track faculty unit criteria undergo the same review process following dean's approval. The Office of the Provost reviews all unit criteria; once that review is complete, the criteria are forwarded to the appropriate faculty committee, either the University Committee on Tenure and Promotions or the University Committee on Professional-Track Faculty. Post-tenure review criteria and procedures is reviewed by the provost. 

Following review in the college or school, the dean's office should submit new or revised unit criteria using the submission portal below, uploading the following documents. 

  • Proposed unit criteria and procedures in Microsoft Word format. This document should include tracked changes from the last approved unit criteria. If the unit criteria are new, either because developed by a newly approved unit, or because entirely rewritten, please submit a clean copy without tracked changes. 
  • A signed memorandum describing the revisions to the criteria and the faculty development and review process. This memo is typically written by a unit chair, promotions and tenure committee chair, or faculty organization chair. Include date of faculty approval. Please submit in Adobe Acrobat pdf format. 
  • A signed cover memorandum from the dean indicating that they have reviewed and approved the criteria. Please submit in Adobe Acrobat pdf format. 

Submit Unit Criteria

Please submit proposed unit criteria through the secure document submission link above. 
Review the list of required documents above carefully before beginning this form. Incomplete submissions will be returned. 

For administrative use only


If you need assistance, please contact the Office of the Provost at 803-777-2808 or  

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.