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Weather Update: Columbia campus classes cancelled after 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 21.

Office of the Provost

Women sit at round tables between events during a large conference

Women's Leadership Institute

WLI features workshops, interactive presentations and a networking luncheon centered on promoting greater awareness of the challenges and opportunities women face as they seek to achieve a work/life balance. There is also time for participants to informally network and collaborate with women across disciplines or even across institutions.

Learning outcomes of WLI

  1. A stronger community of women in the South Carolina higher education institutions
  2. Personal and professional growth through general and concurrent sessions
  3. Leadership skills and development
  4. Empowerment for women at all stages of their career to pursue higher level positions in their respective fields

21st Annual WLI

The 21st annual WLI will host all women from South Carolina's higher education institutions on April 24, 2024. The institute will feature two keynote speakers and 21 workshops given in three concurrent sessions. 

Registration opens April 1st at 8:00am so mark your calendar and register early.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
