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College of Arts and Sciences

7 new McCausland Faculty Fellows named for 2022

The College of Arts and Sciences at the University of South Carolina has named seven faculty members as Peter and Bonnie McCausland Faculty Fellows for 2022. 
The distinction honors early-career faculty members who exemplify commitment, creativity, and innovation in their research and teaching. The three-year fellowship provides a salary supplement as well as funding for research. 
The 2022 McCausland Fellows are:  


“We are thrilled to honor these rising star faculty members with the McCausland Faculty Fellowship,” said Joel Samuels, interim dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. “The new McCausland Fellows have distinguished themselves with their dedication to teaching, research, and public service. Their work enhances the student experience and advances their academic disciplines. We are honored that they are on the faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences.” 
The Faculty Fellowship is part of the McCausland Foundation Programs in the College of Arts and Sciences. It was established in 2013 through a generous endowment from alumnus Peter McCausland (’71 history) and his wife, Bonnie. To date, more than 40 McCausland Faculty Fellows have been named. In addition to the Faculty Fellowship, the endowment supports the McCausland Visiting Scholars program and the McCausland Innovation Fund.  

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