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College of Arts and Sciences

Research Facilities

Our research facilities encourage innovation among our faculty and students, provide services to residents and commercial enterprises in South Carolina, and are used by visiting researchers.

The Electron Microscopy Center is a core facility providing all levels of technical support and consultation in the area of light microscopy, electron microscopy and elemental analysis.

The Center for Elemental Mass Spectrometry  is a core analytical facility and cost center, used primarily by faculty and students in the School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment.

More and more, we depend on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data. Our center is committed to refining and improving the systems, consulting with users and providing advanced training.

A magnetometer with field strength up to 7 Tesla, sensitivity of <10-7 emu and temperature range from 1.8 - 350 K is available in the Magnetic Measurement Facility.

The Mass Spectrometry Center includes two VG 70S instruments, a Finnigan TSQ, Micromass Q-TOF I, Micromass Quattro LC, Bruker Ultraflex MALDI TOF/TOF, and other chromatographic apparatus that can be configured with the instruments.

Bringing an idea to life is a critical step. Our facility, equipped with an array of equipment and qualified staff, can turn a drawing into a working assembly.

The NMR Core Facility is part of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. It is the only high-resolution NMR facility at USC and provides services to other local universities and industrial clients.

Our Powder X-Ray Diffraction Facility comprises a Rigaku Ultima IV powder X-ray diffraction system and a Rigaku D/Max 2100 powder X-ray diffractometer.

The Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction Facility operates a Bruker D8 Quest diffractometer with sample operating temperatures of 90 to 300 K.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.