The Institute for Southern Studies at the University of South Carolina was established to foster the study of the American South, serving as a vital link to the university's rich research resources and other significant facilities throughout the state. It unites outstanding faculty from diverse disciplines to engage in research, teaching, special seminars, and public programs focused on the South. The Institute offers students valuable courses and research opportunities, including the option to earn a Minor in Southern Studies. Its public programs, both on campus and statewide, along with its scholarly publications, extend the Institute's educational mission across the region and the nation, promoting the ongoing exploration of this important region.
Our Projects
The Papers of William Short
The Papers of William Short is a born-digital documentary edition focusing on William Short (1759-1849), a fiscal agent and diplomat, businessman and philanthropist, and an early advocate of alternatives to slavery.
Take on the South
Our new podcast, Take on the South, explores the complexity of South through conversations with those who think, write, teach, and reflect on the South.
Our new app ExploreSC provides students, educators, tourists, and residents with a historically-informed, interactive way to explore the Palmetto State and its historical markers.
South Carolina Encyclopedia
The Digital South Carolina Encyclopedia is a comprehensive reference source of the people, places, events, things, achievements, and ideals that have contributed to the evolution of the Palmetto State.