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College of Arts and Sciences


Electron Microscopes

T-scan vega

Tescan Vega 3 SBU variable pressure SEM

The TESCAN Vega-3 SBU is a variable pressure scanning electron microscope suited for both biological and material applications. The microscope is equipped with a backscattered electron detector and the capability for EDS.

This scope is also equipped with remote operation capabilities via GoTo Meeting software. More info about GoToMeeting can be found here.

Detailed and special features of the Vega-3 can be found here, or Tescan Vega 3 [pdf].

Zeiss Gemini

Zeiss Gemini500 FESEM

The Zeiss Gemini500 Thermal Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope is a high vacuum, high resolution scanning electron microscope with the capability for EDS.  The instrument has the following detectors: In-lens detector, EsB detector, BSE detector, an Everhart-Thornley detector, and a CCD camera with infrared illumination.

 Zeiss Gemini500 FESEM specifications [pdf].

Light Microscopes (w/ digital imaging)

WILD Heerbugg

WILD Heerbrugg dissecting scope


Zeiss Axiopilot

Zeiss Axioplot brightfield microscope


Microtomes and Sectioning

Leica UC7/FC7

Leica UC7/FC7 cyro-ultramicrotome


Reichert Ultracut E ultramicrotome

Reichert Ultracut E ultramicrotome


Sorvall MT2-B

Sorvall MT2-B ultramicrotome


Microm HM Roatary

Microm HM Rotary Parraffin microtome 


Leica KMR3

Leica KMR3 glass knife maker


Ancillary Equipment

Dentaon Desk II

Denton Desk II turbo sputter coater


Denton Desk II

Denton Desk II sputter coater with global rotation and tilt  


LADD Critical Point Dryer

LADD critical point dryer  



 OMAR (small-chamber) critical point dryer 


Assorted Stubs

 Assorted stubs for SEM


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.