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College of Arts and Sciences


Master's theses produced by graduate students affiliated with HVRI

Recent Theses

Daniels-Baessler, Daniel. 2024. Terror and Time: Analyzing Homegrown Terrorism in the United States.

Hohlfeld, Mike. 2024. Analysis of Local Heat Index Variations in Columbia, South Carolina.

Long, Christopher. 2023. A Flood of Information: Assessing the Effectiveness of an Enhanced Flash Flood Warning Social Media Graphic.

All Theses

Angelo, Dara. 2012. The Impact of Optimism on Evacuation Behavior in South Carolina Hurricane Evacuation Zones.

Baker, Melanie. 2004. Hazardous Materials Transportation in South Carolina.

Barnes, Lindsey. 2008. Equity of Individual Assistance in Hurricane Katrina.

Bartis, Melanie. 2004. Floods in Georgetown County, South Carolina: A Geographic Assessment of Losses.

Berry, Melissa. 2008. Insurance and Natural Hazard Losses: A Case Study of Florida Counties, 1997-2006.

Blackwood, Leah. 2022. Social Vulnerability and Flood Recovery: A Post-disaster Examination of SoVI’s Effectiveness as a Tool for Targeted Recovery.

Borden, Kevin. 2004. Comparing the Vulnerability of the Built Environment Among U.S. Cities.

Brugh, Jessica M.  2019. Don't Rock the Boat: An Analysis of Boat Mitigation Prior to Hurricane Landfall.

Burns, Patrice. 2002. What Is your Professional Opinion? Risk Perception Variability of Natural and Technological Hazards among County Emergency Management Directors in South Carolina.

Burton, Christopher. 2007. Social Vulnerability and Hurricane Impact Modeling.

Campbell, Raelene. 2018. Tweets About Tornado Warnings: A Spatiotemporal & Content Analysis.

Daniels-Baessler, Daniel. 2024. Terror and Time: Analyzing Homegrown Terrorism in the United States.

Dunn, Elizabeth. 2007. Terrorism’s Spatiality and Identity through Media Content Analysis.

Easoz, Jaime. 2002. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Flood Reduction Methods in South Carolina.

Edmonds, Andrew. 2006. Employing GIS Techniques to Counter the Reluctance of Pet Owners to Evacuate from Disaster Events.

Evans, Elijah. 2008. Spatial Modeling of Point Source Hazards: Securing the Chemical Industry of the United States Against Terrorist Agendas.

Field, Katie. 2000. Effects of Hazardous Sites on Property Values in Richland County, South Carolina.

Finch, Christina. 2006. Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Social Vulnerability to Environmental Hazards in the United States.

Griffin, Christina. 2009. Gender and Social Capital: Social Networks Post-Disaster.

Habets, Margot. 2022. Neighborhood Change on the Mississippi Coast after Hurricane Katrina (2006-2019).

Hill, Arleen A. 1998. Seismic Hazard Susceptibility in Southwestern Montana: Comparison at Dillon and Bozeman.

Hohlfeld, Mike. 2024. Analysis of Local Heat Index Variations in Columbia, South Carolina.

Holm, Danika. 1994. Environmental Inequities in South Carolina: The Distribution of Hazardous Waste Facilities.

Jones, Steve. 2003. Spatial Modeling of Tornadoes.

Kotelenska, Jitka. 2005. Geospatial Technology in State Emergency Management Agencies.

Kolomechuk, Cindy. 2001. Gully Erosion in Spartanburg County from 1939 to 2001.

Kudes, Valerie. 1998. Thinking Globally Acting Locally : A Comparison of U.S. Cities in Local Agenda 21 and Climate Change Mitigation.

Lee, Logan. 2021. Military Communities and Natural Hazards in the United States.

Long, Christopher, 2023. A Flood of Information: Assessing the Effectiveness of an Enhanced Flash Flood Warning Social Media Graphic.

McCarn, Reggie. 2007. Biological Hazards and Their Impact on South Carolina: A Hazard Assessment of Zoonotic Avian Influenza.

Melton, Ginni. 2008. Assessing Coastal Erosion Vulnerability a Case Study of Georgetown County, South Carolina.

Menzel, Charmel. 1998. GIS Analysis of Hazardous Chemical Releases Resulting from Flooding.

Morath, Dan. 2010. Social Vulnerability and Public Health: Developing a Metric for Medical Emergency Management in Florida.

Morgan, Leigh Ann. 1998. A Post-Flood Analysis of the Benefits of Floodplain Management Regulations in Beaufort County, North Carolina.

Nelson, Angela. 2005. Conjoint Disasters in South Carolina: The Threat of Tornado-Induced Hazardous Material Releases at TRI Facilities.

Nguyen, Khai Hoan . 2015.  Institutional Resilience along the Mississippi Gulf Coast in the Context of Pre- and Post-Hurricane Katrina.

Pham, Erika O.  2018. Analysis of Evacuation Behaviors and Departure Timing for October 2016's Hurricane Matthew.

Putnam, Paul David. 2000. Hurricane Hazard Impact on Property Value Change: A Case Study of Pawley's Island, South Carolina.

Ramthun, Jacob. 2020. Flooding and Industrial Swine Farming in North Carolina: Implications of Natech Hazards on the Assessment of Environmental Justice. 

Reeves, Rachel. 2015. Economic Losses and Extreme Tornado Events.

Schmidtlein, Mathew C. 2005. The Spatial Distribution of Biophysical Vulnerability from Natural Hazards in the United States.

Seigler, Wesley Chad. 2014.  Analysis of Hurricane Preparedness Levels and Evacuation Intent for South Carolina Coastal Residents.

Stevenson, Joanne. 2010. Rebuilding Coastal Mississippi Following Hurricane Katrina: A Spatial and Temporal Analysis.

Whelen, Tracy.  2020.  A GIS-Based Risk Assessment for Fire Departments: Case Study of Richland County, SC.

White, Andrew. 2022. GIS Analysis of Housing Delinquency after Repeated Flooding in Horry County, South Carolina.

Zuzak, Casey. 2010. Differences in Urban and Rural Natural Hazards Mortality in the United States.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
