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Classes on the Columbia campus beginning at 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 26 and all classes scheduled for Friday, Sept. 27 will be virtual.

School of Medicine Columbia


Our research-focused curriculum will give you the mentorship and access to state-of-the-art technology you need to conduct advanced biomedical research. During your time here, you'll be encouraged to share your research through publications and conferences. 

About the Curriculum

You'll start your Ph.D. program with advanced courses in molecular biology, biochemistry and cell biology. These courses will provide you with fundamental knowledge essential for research in the biomedical sciences. To earn your degree, you must complete at least 60 credit hours beyond your bachelor's degree. The exact number of credit hours is determined by the program with which your mentor is affiliated. You and your mentor will work together to determine which elective courses you should take depending your research interest and career goals.

Course Title Credits
BIOL 711 / CHEM 751 Nucleic Acids 3
BIOL 717 / CHEM 753 Bio Chemistry 3
BIOL 718 / CHEM 752 Metabolism 3
BIOL 714 Cell Biology 3
BMSC 706 Biomedical Research Conduct 2
BMSC 700 Introduction to Biomedical Research 1


Students complete three 6-8 week long rotations in research laboratories of their choosing. These rotations provide students with opportunities to learn a variety of research techniques and become immersed in a research question. Through these rotations, students can try out different laboratories, identify a research mentor and develop a network of scientists whose expertise they can draw upon throughout their graduate career.

After choosing your research mentor you will work with them to create a list of electives to take that will build upon your core course load and the research work you are completing in the lab.

Year 1 Fall Semester

Course Title Credits
BIOL 711 / CHEM 751 Nucleic Acids 3
BIOL 717 / CHEM 753 Bio Chemistry 3
BMSC 706 Biomedical Research Conduct 2
BMSC 700 Introduction to Biomedical Research 1
Lab Laboratory Rotation I N/A
Total   9

Year 1 Spring Semester

Course Title Credits
BIOL 718 / CHEM 752 Metabolism 3
BIOL 714 Cell Biology 3
Lab Laboratory Rotation II N/A
Lab Laboratory Rotation III N/A
Total   6

Year 2 and Beyond

At the end of your first year, you will choose a faculty member to work with for the remainder of your time in our program. You will work with them to determine your course, elective and research requirements on your way to obtaining your degree. You must complete at least 60-credit hours before obtaining your degree.

Neuroscience Concentration

For students with a commitment to research in neuroscience, our program offers a neuroscience concentration. In the first year these students may take two fundamental neuroscience courses in addition to Ethics in Research, Interdisciplinary Lab, Biochemistry and Cell Biology courses. This program is designed to give students a thorough background in neuroscience that includes a strong foundation in cellular and molecular principles, but with a clear focus on integrating these principles into an understanding of physiological and behavioral endpoints.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
