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    Cardiovascular Translational Research Center

Cardiovascular Translational Research Center

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and is a prominent health concern in South Carolina.  The Cardiovascular Translational Research Center (CTRC) has been established to promote integrated research into the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease. 

Our Mission

The CTRC will make significant progress in cardiovascular research.  With a comprehensive goal to improve cardiovascular health in South Carolina and elsewhere, the CTRC will be at the forefront of research, bringing together basic scientists, clinicians and trainees.  The CTRC was launched in 2020 by the Board of Trustees as a University of South Carolina Excellence Initiative.

  • The CTRC will have significant impact upon the University of South Carolina landscape and upon the citizens of South Carolina.  The anticipated impact of the CTRC, which will be a “ground up” initiative over the next five years, including increased funding for basic and translational biomedical research, training a diverse workforce to meet regional needs in a changing healthcare environment, and educational outreach to patient populations in South Carolina.
  • The CTRC will build upon existing strengths and establish unique collaborations across multiple disciplines, colleges, and clinical partners resulting in novel approaches to combat cardiovascular disease, which is reaching epidemic proportions in South Carolina.

Purpose, and proposed activities of the center:

  • Develop and maintain an internationally recognized center of excellence in cardiovascular research.
  • Provide an environment to develop and retain a productive, diverse and vibrant faculty.
  • Facilitate research training among undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, medical students and residents.
  • Develop basic, translational and clinical research with funding from federal and nonfederal agencies and industries.
  • Identify and support collaborations with biomedical industry and entrepreneurial activity that may facilitate patient access to novel therapies.

View the SC Heart Disease Statistics Here

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