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School of Medicine Columbia


We know each of our students wants to make a difference. We've compiled a list of scholarships to help you achieve that goal.

How to Apply

Accepted applicants will be considered for scholarships based on their admissions applications. We will contact applicants if we require additional information for scholarship consideration. Continuing students will receive information in January to apply for scholarships for the upcoming academic year. If you have questions regarding scholarship consideration you may contact Mr. Jerel Arceneaux at

Available Scholarships

Name Description Requirements Keywords
(hidden column)

Everett L. Dargan Endowed Scholarship Fund

The Everett L. Dargan Scholarship was established in honor of Dr. Everett Dargan – an African American surgeon, educator and role model – to support the recruitment of underrepresented minority students, which is a top priority of our school. This scholarship enhances the school's ability to recruit and retain underrepresented minority students and enable us to address important health care gaps across the state to ensure a healthier tomorrow for all.


Bruner-Waddell Scholarship in Medicine

An endowed scholarship in memory of Robert Raysor Bruner, Jr. and Henry Grady Waddell, M.D. Scholarship will be awarded to a worthy student who is a resident of South Carolina.

South Carolina resident


Dr. William Childs Cantey Medical Scholarship

Income from this account will be awarded to a worthy medical student from South Carolina. Priority given to an entering student who may receive the award for a maximum of four years, provided stated criteria are met and he/she has the endorsement of the School of Medicine Scholarships and Loans Subcommittee.

South Carolina resident


William B. Douglas Medical Scholarship

An endowed scholarship awarded to students who view their prospective profession as a ministry of healing to aid in alleviating the ills of mankind. Priority given to students from South Carolina, particularly Florence and the Coastal Plains area.

South Carolina resident


Louise Mickle Harvey Medical Student Scholarship

An endowed four-year scholarship for a student from Camden or the nearest geographic area within the state of South Carolina. Additional criteria are financial need, academic achievement and potential for becoming a personable, compassionate physician. Trust fund is administered by the Bethesda Presbyterian Church in Camden.

South Carolina resident


Aline Zimmerman Thomason Scholarship

A scholarship established in memory of Aline Zimmerman Thomason available to a student from Greenwood County, Richland County or other South Carolina residents.

South Carolina resident


Dr. Hugh H. Wells Scholarship

The interest from this endowed scholarship, in memory of Dr. Wells, is awarded annually to a medical student from South Carolina who has a demonstrated need.

South Carolina resident


Ellington Cody Hawes Medical Scholarship

An endowed scholarship for a student who is a resident of Georgia and who has met the stated criteria. Recipient is selected by the School of Medicine. Award covers up to $20,000 per year of a student’s expenses.

Georgia resident


Fullerton Scholarship

The School of Medicine Scholarship and Loan Committee selects nominees from the entering freshmen class who meet specific criteria for this scholarship. The Fullerton Foundation Scholarship Committee selects the recipients. 

Freshman medical students


The Jowers Scholarship

The income of a fund provided by Dr. Lawrence V. Jowers in memory of his friends provides an annual award to a student who has earned the highest achievement in the first year of medical school.

Sophomore medical students


The Todd Medical Foundation

A permanent endowment, with the interest being awarded to second-, third- and fourth-year medical students in good academic standing and in financial need.

Second, third, or fourth year medical students


Dr. Frank Capers Owens Scholarship

This endowed scholarship, in memory of Dr. Owens, is awarded annually to a qualified junior or senior student planning a career in family practice.

Junior or senior medical student with a family practice focus


George Walk Waring Memorial Scholarship

The income of a fund, established by the Waring family to honor the memory of their father and grandfather, provides a scholarship for a medical student who has completed the sophomore year.

Junior medical students


Dr. Thomas C. Chow, M.D., D.P.H. and Dr. Rosemary Y Chow, M.D., D.P.H., Family and Preventative Medicine Scholarship

An endowed scholarship established by Jim C. Chow, M.D., class of '85 in honor of his parents. The scholarship recipient, selected by School of Medicine Scholarship and Loan Committee, is a rising senior who has expressed and demonstrated an interest in pursuing a medical career in the areas of Family Practice and/or Preventive Medicine.

Senior medical student.


John A. Warren Scholarship

An endowed scholarship in honor of John A. Warren, who is former Chairman and Chief Executive of SCANA Corporation. Income from the fund will be awarded by the School of Medicine Scholarship and Loan Committee to rising seniors who have expressed and demonstrated an interest in pursuing a medical career in the areas of Family Practice, Pediatrics and /or Oncology.

Seniors interested in careers in family practice, pediatrics, or oncology


Alumni Scholarship

Awarded annually (or as funds are available) to a student(s) who has a strong academic record, good professional skills and a commitment to serving the needs of his/her patients.

Good academic and professional record


American Medical Association Education and Research Foundation

Scholarship awarded annually to medical students based on financial need, academic achievement and documented leadership skills. Selected by the School of Medicine Scholarship and Loans Subcommittee.

Financial need, leadership skills, achievement 


Dr. and Mrs. George Dick Scholarship in Medicine

An endowed scholarship established by Mrs. Caroline McKissick Dial in memory of her parents. Awarded to a worthy medical student, the scholarship may be retained by the recipient for a period of four years if in the judgment of the School of Medicine Scholarship and Loan Committee he /she has maintained satisfactory academic performance.

High academic performance


A. Hines McWaters Scholarship

An endowed scholarship awarded annually to an academically sound and needy student. Selection made by the School of Medicine Scholarship and Loan Subcommittee.

High academics performance, financial need


School of Medicine Faculty/Staff Scholarship

A scholarship established by the faculty and staff of the School of Medicine and awarded annually to medical students who have achieved academic excellence, performed service to the School of Medicine and the University and who have exhibited a professional demeanor.

High academic performance, service to the school, professionalism


James R. Stallworth Student Scholar

A scholarship to be awarded to a student in the School of Medicine who has an outstanding academic record and shows evidence of good clinical acumen, devotion to patient care and potential for future leadership. The James R. Stallworth Scholar Selection Committee will select the recipient.

High performance, leadership



General School of Medicine Scholarships

Many of these scholarship recipients are selected by the School of Medicine Scholarships and Loans Subcommittee.



Anniversary Scholarship

Income from this fund is used to award scholarships to deserving students selected by the School of Medicine Scholarships and Loans Subcommittee.



Tom L. Austin Student Scholarship

Awarded by the School of Medicine Scholarships and Loans Subcommittee in honor of Dr. Tom L. Austin of the Department of Neonatology.



William Q. Claytor and Marguerite D. Claytor Medical Scholarship

An endowed scholarship awarded to a worthy medical student enrolled in the School of Medicine. This scholarship was established by Dr. Hubert Claytor in memory of his parents.



Dr. Lawrence H. Erdman Scholarship

An endowed scholarship in memory of Dr. Erdman, awarded to a student who possesses a keen desire to acquire the necessary education and skills to be a good physician and who has an unusually keen sense of caring.

Keen sense of caring



Arthur L. Humphries Scholarship

Established in memory of Dr. O'Neal Humphries’ father, the recipient should have a keen sense of caring, patience, compassion, a gentle nature and a sense of fairness.

Keen sense of caring


James Stanley Liverman, M.D. Scholarship

Awarded to students selected by the School of Medicine Scholarships and Loans Subcommittee.



University of South Carolina Faculty/Staff Dependent Scholarship

For either single or married dependents of full-time employees of the University of South Carolina. Deadline February 1.

Must be a dependent of USC employee


Dr. Hudnall Gentry Weaver Scholarship

This endowed scholarship, established by the family of Robert S. Paschal, Jr., in memory of Dr. Weaver, is awarded to a deserving student enrolled in the School of Medicine.



Columbia Medical Society and Auxiliary Scholarship

An annual award made to medical students with high scholastic achievement and in need of financial assistance. Priority given to South Carolina residents from the Midlands area.

  • Available only to third- and fourth-year medical students
  • Application process includes writing a 250-300 word essay

Third or fourth year student



South Carolina Medical Association Foundation

In alliance with South Carolina Medical Association Alliance Annual awards made to students enrolled in the School of Medicine based on academic achievement and financial need. Priority given to second, third and fourth year students.

Apply through the School of Medicine Office of Student and Career Services at 803-216-3629 or

Second, third, or fourth year students



John T. Stevens Foundation Scholarship

A grant for up to four years of medical education expenses awarded to worthy medical students enrolled in the School of Medicine and who reside in Lancaster or Kershaw counties. The grant requires the scholar to practice in Lancaster or Kershaw county for a defined period of time upon completion of training.


Steve Williams, Sr.,President
P.O. Box 158
Kershaw, SC 29067

Residents of Lancaster of Kershaw Counties who intend on practicing there.


National Medical Fellowships, Inc. Scholarship Program

Applications are restricted to Black Americans, Mainland Puerto Ricans, American Indians, Mexican-Americans, who are U.S. citizens and will be first or second-year candidates for the M.D. or D.O. degree in accredited U.S. medical schools. Scholarship of $500-$2,000; based on financial need.


Contact the National Medical Fellowships for application deadline.

A member of a minority group


American Medical Women's Association Loan Program

Women who are U.S. citizens, mid- first, second- or third-year students and are members of AMWA may apply. Loans granted are $2,500 per year with a maximum of $5,000 during medical school. Interest at 7% begins the December 15th after graduation and repayment commences the January 15th after graduation. Loans must be repaid within 3 years of graduation. Deadline for Application is April 30.


801 N. Fairfax St., Suite 400
Alexandria, VA 22314
703-838-0500 Ext. 3305
Fax - 703-549-3864

Female students



Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.