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School of Medicine Columbia

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Ultrasound Institute hosts Lexington Medical Center Partners Program

The University of South Carolina School of Medicine Columbia Ultrasound Institute recently hosted students participating in the Lexington Medical Center Partners Program, LMC’s summer health career awareness program that is designed to introduce health related career fields to high school students with an interest in a future career in health care.

National leaders: From the start of their medical studies, students in the School of Medicine Columbia begin learning to use ultrasound, which can image all major organs, as well as joints and blood vessels, at the bedside. It’s one of the school’s distinctions, being the first institution in the nation to integrate ultrasound instruction into all four years of its medical degree curriculum.

An introduction to the ultrasound: As part of their visit to the School of Medicine, students participating in the Partners Program toured the Ultrasound Institute, before a demonstration on the ultrasound simulator and in the scan lab. The students were also able to practice on the ultrasound for a hands-on learning experience.

What they’re saying: “We were excited to host a group of eager high school students and introduce them to the wonders of diagnostic medical ultrasound. They exhibited a passion for learning where they can use what they learned during the session to pave the way for a future career in medicine.”

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