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School of Medicine Columbia

Faculty and Staff

Taryn Richardson, Ph.D., CRC, NCC

Title: Clinical Assistant Professor
Department: Department of Neuropsychiatry & Behavioral Science, Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling Program
School of Medicine Columbia
Phone: 803-216-3695
Office: SOMC VA Campus Building 1
6311 Garners Ferry Rd.
Columbia, SC 29209
profile photo


Ph.D., Rehabilitation and Counselor Education
The University of Iowa

M.A., Rehabilitation Counseling
South Carolina State University 

B.S., Psychology
South Carolina State University

Research Interests/Areas of Expertise

Professional Identity, Leadership and Advocacy, Youth with Disabilities, Positive Psychology, and Psychosocial Work Conditions


Taryn Richardson is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Neuropsychiatry & Behavioral Science in the Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling Program. She completed her doctoral studies at The University of Iowa. Taryn is a certified rehabilitation counselor and a national certified counselor. She has worked with local colleges and universities to provide prevention services to students and worked with transition-aged youth with intellectual, cognitive, and learning disabilities in a college setting. Taryn’s research interests and publications consist of counseling students’ professional identity, professional advocacy, leadership development, the quality of life of persons with disabilities, and psychosocial work conditions.

Selected Publications

McKnight-Lizotte, M., Levine, A., Landon, T. J., Phillips, B.N., Sametz, R. R., Gerald, M., & Richardson, T. (In Press). Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand Dispositional Gatekeeping Behaviors Among Rehabilitation Counselor Educators. Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal.

Kim, J.H., Gonzalez, R., Richardson, T.V., Kim, H., & Lee, D.H. (2021) Transcending Chronic Illness and Disability: Virtue-Based Adaptation Model Perspective. Journal of Rehabilitation. 87(3).

Kim, J.H., Lee, J.H., Richardson, T.V., Tang, X., Lee, D. McMahon, B.; Kim, H.; Sametz, R. (2021) Psychometric Validation of Adapted Inventory of Virtues and Strengths. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin. 1-13.

Sametz, R., Richardson, T.V., Schroeder, D. (2021) Technology-Assisted Supervision: Where We Are Now and Have Been. Journal of Rehabilitation Administration.

Huber, M. J., Walker, Q. D., Dunlap, P. N., Russell, V. E., & Richardson, T.V. (2019). A Revisited Inquiry: A Survey of the Members of the American Rehabilitation Counseling Association (ARCA). Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 62(2), 121-127.

Woo, H., Henfield, M.S., Byrd, J. Richardson, T. (2016). Preparing Doctoral Students in Counselor Education Programs: An Exploratory Study of New Doctoral Student Orientations. The Journal of College Orientation and Transition, 24(1), 5-20.

Booth, J., Butler, M.K.J., Richardson, T.V., Washington, A.R. & Henfield, M.S. (2016). School-Family-Community Collaboration for African American Males with Disabilities. Journal of African American Males in Education, 7(1) 88-97.

Book Chapters

Richardson, T.V. (2021) Group Career Counseling. In R. Sametz & M. Joseph (Eds.), Career Counseling: A Holistic View of Lifespan and Special Populations (pp. 220-230). Cognella.


Sametz, R. Sneed, Z., & Richardson, T.V. Telehealth Supervision: Where We Have Been and Where We Are. Presented at the 2021 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine.

Sechrist, D. M., Carroll, T., Redman, W., Richardson, T., Rice-Spearman, L. Integrating Telehealth into Health Professions Curriculum. Presented at the 2019 The Association of Schools Advancing Health Professions in Charleston, South Carolina.

Richardson, T.V. & Sánchez, J. Examining the Impact of Emotional Labor in Counselor Education. Presented at the 2019 Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference in Seattle, Washington.

Richardson, T.V. & Euring, M. The Strong Black Woman Schema and Subjective Well-Being. Presented at the 2019 Texas Society for Allied Health Professions Conference in Lubbock, Texas.

Richardson, T.V., Booth, J., & Sánchez, J. We Know Who Are: Strengthening Our Identity through Professional Advocacy. Presented at the 2018 National Council on Rehabilitation Education Conference in Anaheim, California.

Byrd, J., Richardson, T.V., & Wood, S. How Do We Teach Ph.D. Students to be Advocates through Their Research, Teaching, and Service? Presented at the 2017 Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference in Chicago, Illinois.

Richardson, T.V. & Booth, J. Preliminary Findings: Counseling Graduate Students’ Perspectives of Professional Advocacy. Presented at the 2017 American Counseling Association Conference in San Francisco, California.

Richardson, T.V. & Booth, J. Ethical Implications for Rehabilitation Counseling Clinical Supervision Research and Practice. Presented at the 2016 National Council on Rehabilitation Education Conference in Arlington, Virginia.

Richardson, T.V. The Mental Health of African American Women: A Narrative Therapy Approach. Presented at the 2016 National Association of Multicultural Rehabilitation Concerns in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Richardson, T.V. Wellness and Self-Care Practices in Counselor Development and Professional Quality of Life. Presented at the 2013 National Council on Rehabilitation Education Conference in Arlington, Virginia.


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