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Joseph F. Rice School of Law


Tina Leonard

Title: Court Liaison, Chester, Fairfield, and Lancaster counties
Department: Children's Law Center
Joseph F. Rice School of Law


  • M.S.W., Winthrop University
  • B.A., Sociology Concentration in Criminology, Winthrop University


Tina Leonard serves as the Court Liaison for Chester, Fairfield, and Lancaster counties. She assists the family court by tracking and expediting the legal processing of child protection and termination of parental rights (TPR) cases. She is responsible for reviewing case files, preparing information sheets for the court, and assisting in resolving issues to prevent delayed hearings. Prior to joining the Children’s Law Center, she was employed full time with Piedmont Medical Center as a Social Worker charged with completing assessments for discharge planning needs and initiating a plan for community resources and/or placement in appropriate post-discharge facility. Mrs. Leonard continues to work as needed as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker for the Center for Psychiatry at Piedmont Medical Center and is charged with completing timely psychosocial assessments on new admissions and conducting psychoeducational groups with patients with identified psychiatric needs. Prior to her employment with Piedmont Medical Center, Mrs. Leonard worked with South Carolina Department of Social Services as a Human Services Coordinator I charged with supervising Child Protective Services Intake, Child Protective Services Assessment, and Adult Protective Services.

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