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Joseph F. Rice School of Law

UofSC Law welcomes visiting professors

South Carolina Law welcomes two visiting professors this semester, Milan Markovic from Texas A&M and Susan Provenzano of Northwestern.  The School of Law looks forward to having them here, and invites you to get to know more about both of these highly regarded professors. 

Milan Markovic

Professor of Law and Co-Convener of the Program in Law and Social Science
Texas A&M University School of Law
Twitter: @ProfMarkovic

What courses will you teach here at South Carolina Law?

I am teaching two sections of Professional Responsibility this spring. 

What led you to a career in law (and then into academia)?

My background is in philosophy, and my master's thesis examined the moral relevance of collateral damage.  I became interested in the entire body of international human rights law and decided to pursue that interest in law school.  My interests expanded, and I spent several years practicing in New York City after graduation.  But I never lost that interest in writing about law and ethics.  I applied for a teaching fellowship at Temple University's Beasley School of Law and that fellowship led me to academia. 

What is your area of expertise/scholarly interest?

My expertise is in legal ethics and the legal profession.  I study both lawyers' substantive obligations as well as the legal profession's structure and organization.

Why did you decide to pursue your specific scholarly interest?

Half of my family is from Serbia and the other half is from Afghanistan.  The troubled history of those countries and the absence of rule of law at various times likely inspired my interest in the work of lawyers.  I also clerked at the International Criminal Court and was fascinated by the diversity of legal cultures there.

What attracted you to teach at UofSC Law?

I follow law school hiring closely and have a very high opinion of UofSC's faculty. I am most familiar with Elizabeth Chambliss's research because we are in the same field, but UofSC has nationally known experts in many different areas.  I am also looking forward to learning more about South Carolina and its legal market.  

What projects are you currently working on?  

I am currently working on a comparative study of legal market regulations as well as a more philosophical piece on the duties of robot lawyers.

Do you have any ties to South Carolina?

Yes.  My father-in-law's family is originally from Columbia.

When you’re not teaching or writing, how do you like to relax and unwind?

I am a huge sports fan. I follow mostly professional sports, but I am also a huge Georgetown Hoyas fan.

Susan Provenzano

William M. Trumbull Professor of Practice
Northwestern Pritzker School of Law

What courses will you teach here at South Carolina Law?

I am teaching Civil Procedure.

What led you to a career in law (and then into academia)?

I was originally attracted to law because of its simultaneous humanity and complexity.  As a former political science major, I wanted to understand how our founding and systemic values have translated into the law and how that has changed over time.  As the daughter of an attorney, I also found the law appealing from that perspective--my Dad was and still is my hero!

Academia called to me after about five years in practice.  I enjoyed many aspects of practicing law, but temperamentally I came to realize I would be better suited to and happier in a career where I could contribute more directly to the development of the law and the future of the legal profession. The best part of my job has always been working with students.  I never tire of their enthusiasm, the shared enterprise of understanding the law, and how it can be molded and used for just ends.

What is your area of expertise/scholarly interest?

I use rhetorical theories and philosophies of language to answer interpretive questions in the field of civil procedure. These theories can help us to understand the law in new ways and to produce new insights about whether laws are achieving their purposes and living up to their values.

Why did you decide to pursue your specific scholarly interest?

Several years ago, I joined a nationwide virtual scholarly working group on law and rhetoric.  The group was comprised of law professors and rhetoric PhDs, each lending insight to each other and offering new perspectives on both disciplines.  That group opened my eyes to the many possibilities that rhetoric offers for better understanding and improving the law.

What attracted you to teach at UofSC Law?

My family has long had ties to South Carolina in the form of our decades-old vacation home in Hilton Head Island.  I fell in love with the state on our many trips and extended stays there.

Do you have any ties to South Carolina we should know about?

Yes, my parents live half-time in Hilton Head.

When you’re not teaching or writing, how do you like to relax and unwind?

I am equal parts foodie and fitness enthusiast.  I enjoy reading, playing with my dog and kids, taking long walks, and spending time with my spouse.

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