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South Carolina Honors College

Zachary Brown

Ask me about... Greek life, getting involved, the Black Honors Caucus, and what Cyber Policy and Ethics even means.

Hi, my name is Zachary Brown (but you can call me Zach), and I am a sophomore Cyber Policy and Ethics major here at the University of South Carolina. I was born and raised right around the corner in Blythewood S.C and have been a gamecock fan since the day that I was born. In the future I plan to pursue a job with my Cyber Policy and Ethics degree, either in the law field or in the technology field.

My advice for prospective students: My advice for prospective students is to do as much research as possible into the Honors program here at the university to learn about all of the different ways that it can benefit you. The resources are plentiful and there are many programs here that can make college some of the best years in your life. Also, picking a college is a big decision so make sure that you spend as much time as necessary to make the best decision possible.

My advice for current students: Strive for greatness in everything, and I mean everything. In college you can do so many things and achieve so much that it would be a crime to not give your best effort in everything you do. Also, don’t be afraid to fail! The only way to make progress is to do something that you’ve never done.

My favorite thing about the Honors College:  All of the different perks that the Honors College has to offer. You get the wide selections of all of the different honors classes, access to free printing, multiple study abroad programs, priority registration, honors housing, service learning opportunities and more.

My reason for choosing the SCHC:  The Honors College was the perfect place for me to enjoy all of the things about being an Honors student while also experiencing the social aspect of college with a variety of different students. The mix between academics and campus life keeps me more than satisfied at all times and I get to pursue a degree that is specific to the University as well. It didn’t hurt that I was a South Carolina fan as well. All of these things made the honors college here at the University of South Carolina the best place for me.

My nickname and why: I got my nickname in middle school when I started to play video games with my friend online. My handle was zbro25, and eventually my friends started calling me zbro in real life, then it started to stick. Most of my social media handles are still zbro25 to this day (follow me on instagram!).

Skill I’d like to master: There are two skills that I have not yet learned that I wish to conquer in the future: juggling and whistling. For some reason I can’t do these things and every time I see someone do it I wonder why I can’t. Therefore, if anybody can teach me either of these skills, please contact me.

In a movie about my life, the movie star who would play me would be: Either Lil Nas X or Damson Idris. I have always been told I look like Lil Nas X ever since I started growing my hair like his, but I was told by a Honeycomb worker last year that I look like Damson Idris and was flattered since I enjoyed him in the show Snowfall. For acting purposes it would be Idris, but I have been called Lil Nas X too many times not to put him on here.

My escape:  Putting on my beats and listening to my favorite artist. I mainly listen to hip hop, artists such as Kanye West, Kendrick Lamar, J. Cole, Future, and Drake. When I put my headphones on, all problems go away.

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