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South Carolina Honors College

My Dearest South Carolina

by Alisa Yvonne Wharton 

My dearest South
Carolina, I hope this
finds you well
You’re the home of Southern belles and roads that simply make my mother yell 

I can take the
 and I can take the
roads but
Your education system might just make me implode

I understand that history is
I give you what you’re owed 
However, I don’t think learning about the same unchanging subjects for twelve years 
will help me with my goals 
I’ve heard about the Civil War, the Confederacy, slavery, cash crops, and cotton more
times than I’m willing to count
I know there’s more to the world than Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant

I’m just a speck of dust, maybe even an ant 

Even so, I believe it’s time to replant seeds sowed by the past  

And teach us something that will leave a lasting impact

No, you don’t have to go all out 

Nothing considerably big or exceptionally
grand I’m not looking for a wonderland
Just something that will withstand beyond my high school

and ring into my college ears

My peers and I deserve more than just your history
Events outside these palmetto borders should not be a mystery 
I know about World War I and II, the thirteen colonies, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence too 
Like the colonists, I’m tired of the old and want something new 
I may not get to see the fruit sowed by these labors with college in
I could also be spewing out complete nonsense to you
Or maybe this could be a huge

My dearest South Carolina, 

I hope this finds you well 
You’re the home of Southern belles and roads that simply make my mother yell

I can take the yelling  
And I can take the roads
I hope you consider the information I just bestowed

Sincerely, Alisa Yvonne Wharton 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.