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Joseph F. Rice School of Law

  • Oath Swearing Ceremony

Experiential Learning

Experiential courses and Pro Bono programs give students an opportunity to put into practice much of what they have learned in their first and second years of law school. South Carolina Law provides many opportunities for students to gain practical experience.

South Carolina Law helps you learn not just how to think like a lawyer, but how to act like one.

We'll test your skills and knowledge by giving you opportunities to represent clients—real and simulated—through Capstone courses, Clinics, Externships, Pro Bono programs and study abroad opportunities.

The nonprofit Organizations Clinic was a tremendous experience. I was able to assist many organizations throughout the process of obtaining nonprofit status, drafting Bylaws, and remaining in compliance with state and federal nonprofit regulations. My time in the clinic prepared me to effectively communicate and sharpened my problem-solving skills to truly make a difference. I was inspired by many of the clients and was fortunate to help them achieve their goals.

Nicholas J.M. Quatraro
Nicholas J.M. Quatraro

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.