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Classes on the Columbia campus beginning at 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 26 and all classes scheduled for Friday, Sept. 27 will be virtual.

College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management

  • Carolee and Russell Moore

Carolee Moore's legacy of love and leadership lives on through new HRSM scholarship

Carolee Moore devoted her life to caring for others. She loved freely and always gave of herself wholly to her family, friends, and all those she encountered throughout her career in the hospitality industry.  She especially loved the students and her fellow alumni at the University of South Carolina and thought of them as extended family.

Carolee passed away in November 2023, but remains ever present in the hearts of those she loved and those who loved her. Thanks to her family, her life and legacy will live on in the students at USC.

“Carolee loved USC, and she was so adamant in her support. Through her mentorship, hospitable nature, and efforts to welcome incoming freshmen to campus, she just did so much.  She wanted to do everything she could. I want to keep that alive for her,” says Russell Moore, Carolee’s husband.

Russell Moore has established the Carolee Ettline Moore Endowed Scholarship at USC. The scholarship will help support students pursuing a career in the hospitality industry.

Carolee herself was a respected leader in the hospitality industry. She spent nearly 25 years with Crestline Hotels and Resorts, rising to the role of Senior Vice President of Revenue Strategy.

“She helped break down industry issues and trends so clearly. When we talked during the pandemic, she shared numbers and real scenarios that helped me understand what was happening (and going to happen), and it helped me better relate to the many alumni who were suffering from the impact of COVID-19,” says Tina Weaver, director of alumni and external relations for the USC College of Hospitality, Retail and Management and a longtime friend of Carolee.

Carolee was an alumna of the College of HRSM (B.S. Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Administration, ‘93) and 2015 recipient of the college’s Distinguished Alumni Award. She served as a guest speaker in classes and offered her expertise alongside other industry leaders on more than one occasion. A lifelong supporter of her college and university and of her sorority, Delta Gamma, she hosted sendoff events for freshmen heading to USC for the first time and networking opportunities for fellow alumni.

Russell Moore worked with Weaver and other college leaders to bring the scholarship to reality and carefully helped select the first recipient.

“I wanted Tina to be in on the selection process because she knew Carolee's personality, her ways and her strengths. I wanted the scholarship to go to someone who's going to be a leader, be a caring person, and love Carolina like Carolee did. Also, someone who’s on track to become a star in the hospitality field and who will help others and the school too,” Russell Moore explains.

The Moore Family

Weaver served as a member of the dedicated team of faculty and staff who searched through scholarship applicants and conducted interviews before choosing tourism management major Gabrielle Walters as the inaugural recipient of the Carolee Ettline Moore Endowed Scholarship at USC.

Walters, a junior from Clover, South Carolina, is an outstanding student and rising star. As a sophomore, she was chosen to participate with a select group of fellow students in the College of HRSM Leadership Program in which she excelled. She has taken advantage of opportunities to work at The Masters Tournament and the Wells Fargo Championship. She has demonstrated leadership capacity in seasonal and part-time roles with Chick-fil-A and Carowinds, training and managing new hires in both organizations. Beginning in fall 2024, she will serve as a member of the USC School of Hospitality and Tourism Management Student Advisory Board.

“I am truly grateful to be selected as the first recipient of the Carolee Ettline Moore Endowed Scholarship and to be able to honor her legacy. This recognition means a great deal to me and will significantly impact my academic journey,” says Walters.

In addition to the scholarship, Carolee was also recently recognized by the Owensboro (Kentucky) Health Foundation. The Foundation unveiled a plaque officially naming the Carolee and Russell Moore Memorial Conference Room at the Owensboro Health Mitchell Memorial Cancer Center where Carolee received treatment and grew close to the staff. 

“Carolee was a natural leader. She had an aura about her that commanded respect. Even if you didn't know her, you would gravitate toward her, especially if you needed help or advice. She had a way about her that allowed her to help people without being condescending or overbearing,” Russell Moore explains. “I just want my grandchildren, when they walk into Owensboro Hospital or when we go to South Carolina, to be able to see their grandmother's picture and read a story about her. I know it's always something that they will be proud of.”

Businessman and philanthropist Warren Buffett said “Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” Carolee Moore planted countless trees in her lifetime of service, and gave comfort to many. Gabrielle Walters will now have the opportunity to sit in her shade and plant trees for more to come. Thanks to the Moore family, countless students will benefit from this scholarship, leaving a lasting legacy they can be proud of.

Make an Impact

If you would like to contribute to the Carolee Ettline Moore  Endowed Scholarship Fund or learn how to set up a fund like Carolee’s, please contact College of HRSM Lead Senior Director of Advancement Wes Daniels.


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