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College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management

Sport and Entertainment Management Research

The University of South Carolina is ranked No. 1 in the U.S. in sport sciences (2017 ShanghaiRankings) and the Department of Sport and Entertainment Management has one of the largest sport and entertainment management faculties in the world, with 21 full-time faculty members who have won numerous research awards, including the prestigious North American Society of Sport Management (NASSM) Service and Educator Awards, and the NASSM Student Research Award. The Department is also home to research fellows of NASSM and the Sport and Recreation Law Association. In 2017, SPTE faculty published more than 40 peer-reviewed articles, 19 of which are published in journals that are widely recognized as top tier in the discipline. Moreover, faculty contributed to seven books or book chapters during the calendar year. Selected research highlights are listed below.

2017 Published Work Highlights

Bold SPTE faculty member
Bold Italic
 Current or former SPTE student

Ballouli, K. (2017). "Sound affects: How music transforms the way spectators and participants consume sport." Sport and Entertainment Review, 3(1), 3-8.

Ballouli, K., Koesters, T. C., & Hall, T. (In press). "Leverage and activation of sponsorship through music festivals." Event Management, 1-26.

Ballouli, K., Reese, J. D., & Brown, B. (2017). "Effects of mood states and team identification on pricing in the secondary ticket market." Sport, Business, and Management: An International Journal, 7(3), 276-292.

Brunette, C., Vo, N., & Watanabe, N. M. (2017). "Donation intention in current students: An analysis of university engagement and sense of place in future athletic, academic, and split donors." Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 10, 78-100.

Cohen, A., & Ballouli, K. (In press). "Exploring the cultural intersection of music, sport, and physical activity among at-risk urban youth." International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 1-37.

*Collins, D., & Heere, B. (In press). "Sunday afternoon social capital: An ethnographic study of the Southern City Jets." European Sport Management Quarterly.

Gillentine, A., Miller, J. & Ollinger, A. (2017-in press). "A content analysis of the Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport: 1992-2016." Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport.

Grady, J. (2017). "Analyzing Rule 40’s restrictions on using athletes in Olympic sponsorship at Rio 2016." Entertainment and Sports Law Journal, 15(1), 1-5.

Grady, J. & McKelvey, S. (In press). "#Congratulations but #SeeYouInCourt: Olympic hashtag restrictions raise concerns over Trademark rights and free speech." Harvard Journal of Sport and Entertainment Law.

Heere, B. (In press). "Embracing the sportification of society: Defining e-sports through a polymorphic view on sport." Sport Management Review.

Hills, S., Heere, B., & Walker, M. (In press). "The British Olympic Football team: A quasi-experimental assessment of support for a new sport team among Scottish and English football fans." International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing.

Hunt, E., Wang, K., & Yan, G. (2017). "Acculturative stress as a moderator for international student drinking behaviors and alcohol use consequences." Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 16(3), 263-275.

*Hwang, Y., & Ballouli, K. (In press). "Contemporary issues and opportunities for university branding through fight songs." Journal of School Public Relations, 1-30.

*Hwang, Y., Ballouli, K., So, K. K. F., & Heere, B. (In press). "Effects of brand congruity and game difficulty on gamers’ response to advertising in sport video games." Journal of Sport Management.

*Jara-Pazmino, E. S., Heere, B., Regan, T. H., Blake, C.E., & Southall, R. M. (2017). "Coaches’ perception of organizational socialization process of international student-athletes and the effect of cultural distance: An exploratory study." International Journal of Exercise Science, 10(6), 875-889. 

Katz, M., Bass, J., Heere, B., & Dixon, M. A. (2017). "Front porch, small house: A longitudinal study of team and university identification among incoming students at a Division III university." Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, 10(1), 103-125.

Katz, M., Ward, R. M., & Heere, B. (In press). "Examining attendance through social network analysis: The effect of centrality and team identification for games attendance for a Division I college hockey team." Sport Management Review.

Koesters, T. C., Brown, M. T., & Nagel, M. S. (2017). "Defending your sponsorship: The outlawing of 'paid patriotism.'” Sport Marketing Quarterly, 26(2), 121-124.

Lee, S., Kim, Y. K., & Heere, B. (In press). "Does emotional advertising have a stronger effect on sport consumer behavior than rational advertising? Using an experiment to compare emotional, rational and combination advertising." Sport Marketing Quarterly.

Lee, S., Kim, Y. K., & Heere, B. (In press). "Sport team emotion: Conceptualization, scale development and validation." Sport Management Review.

Lock, D., & Heere, B. (In press). "Identity crisis: A theoretical analysis of ‘team identification’ research." European Sport Management Quarterly.

McKelvey, S. & Grady, J. (2017). "#JoinTheConversation: The evolving legal landscape of using hashtags in sport." Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport, 27(1), 90-105.

Mercado, J. & Grady, J. (2017). "Teaching environmental sustainability across the sport management curriculum." Sport Management Education Journal, 11(2), 122-127.

Morehead, C. A., Shapiro, S. L., Madden, T. M., Reams, L., & McEvoy, C. D. (2017). "Athletic ticket pricing in the collegiate environment: An agenda for research." Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, 10, 83-102. 

Podoshen, J., Yan, G., Venkatesh, V., Wallin, J., & Andrzejewski, S. (In press). "Dark tourism, abjection and blood: A phenomenological approach in a festival context." Tourism Management.

Popp, N., McEvoy, C., & Watanabe, N. M. (2017). "Do college athletics marketers convert social media growth into ticket sales?" International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship, 18(2), 212-227.

Reams, L, & Shapiro, S. L. (2017). "Who’s the main attraction? Examining star power as a determinant of UFC pay-per-view demand." European Sport Management Quarterly, 17, 132-151.

Rundio, A., & Heere, B. (In press). "The battle for the bid: Chicago 2016, No Games Chicago, and the lessons to be learned." Sport Management Review.

Sato, S., Gipson, C., Todd, S. Y., & Harada, M. (In press). "The relationship between sport tourists’ perceived value and destination loyalty: An experience-use history segmentation approach." Journal of Sport & Tourism.

Shapiro, S. L., DeSchriver, T. D., & Rascher, D. A. (2017). "The Beckham effect: Examining the longitudinal impact of a star performer on league marketing, novelty, and scarcity." European Sport Management Quarterly, 5, 610-634. 

Walker, M., Hills, S., & Heere, B. (2017). "Evaluating the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility on program participants: Addressing the Achilles heel of CSR through sport-for-development theory." Journal of Business Ethics, 143(1), 53-70.

Watanabe, N. M., & Soebbing, B. P. (2017). "Chinese Super League: Attendance, pricing, and team performance." Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 7(2), 157-174.

Watanabe, N. M., Wicker, P., & Yan, G. (2017). "Weather conditions, travel distance, rest, and running performance: The 2014 FIFA World Cup and Implications for the future." Journal of Sport Management, 31(1), 27-43.

Watanabe, N. M., Yan, G., Soebbing, B. P., & Pegoraro, A. (2017). "Is there economic discrimination on sport social media? An analysis of Major League Baseball." Journal of Sport Management, 31(4), 374-386.

Watanabe, N. M., Wicker, P., & Yan, G. (2017). "Running performance, fatigue, and weather conditions: The 2014 FIFA World Cup and implications for the future." Journal of Sport Management, 31(1), 27-43.

Warner, S., Sparvero, E., Shapiro, S. L. & Anderson, A. (2017). "Yielding healthy community with sport?" Journal of Sport for Development, 8(5), 41-52.

*Wear, H., *Collins, D., & Heere, B. (In press). "What’s in a name? A case study of NBA basketball in Charlotte." Sport Marketing Quarterly.

*Wear, H., Hills, S., Heere, B., & Walker, M. (In press). "Communal team brand associations as drivers of team identity and consumer behavior." Global Sport Management Journal.

Yan, G., Kloeppel, M., & Li, R. (2017). "Producing Extreme Metal festivals: Through Lacan's gaze." Tourism Management, 59, 579-589.

Yan, G., Pegoraro, A., & Watanabe, N. M. (In press). "Student-athletes’ organization of activism at the University of Missouri: Resource mobilization on Twitter." Journal of Sport Management.

Yan, G., Steller, D., Watanabe, N., & Popp, N. (In press). "What determines user-generated content of college football? Analytical modeling from the lens of structuration theory." International Journal of Sport Communication.

Baker, T. A., Edelman, M., & Watanabe, N. M. (In press). "Debunking the NCAA’s myth that amateurism conforms with antitrust law: A legal and statistical analysis." Tennessee Law Review.

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