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College of Arts and Sciences

  • Small conference room lecture

About Us

The Ann Johnson Institute for Science, Technology and Society is dedicated to building diverse communities for the study of technology, medicine, and science in past and present societies. The activities we support are designed to contribute to building a better community because at the AJI community is the method.

The Ann Johnson Institute for Science, Technology and Society

The AJI was established in 2018 in the memory of Ann Johnson, and through the generous donation of Jim and Elaine Johnson, and Katherine Lewandowski. Ann was a faculty member in the History and Philosophy departments of USC from 2004-2015. In 2015 she left South Carolina to take up a position at Cornell University. Ann passed away suddenly in December 2016 from a rare form of cancer. Ann was an excellent scholar and teacher who successfully bridged disciplinary boundaries. But most of all, she was a supportive and loyal friend. The AJI aims to embody these characteristics by funding interdisciplinary communities for research and pedagogy. Equally, it strives to be a place where members of the academic community, students, and those outside the University feel welcome, valued and at ease.

The AJI is co-directed by Leah McClimans (Philosophy) and Allison Marsh (History).

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Support the AJI and help us continue to build unique communities of people willing to think and work outside the box.

AJI at ISOQoL  Dr. McClimans and an AJI-sponsored student attendee at the ISOQoL conference in Prague.AJI at ISOQoL

 Dr. McClimans and an AJI-sponsored student attendee at the ISOQoL conference in Prague.


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.