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College of Arts and Sciences

  • Outside Petigru Cocky Statue

Points of Pride

Take a quick look at the College of Arts and Sciences and you’ll find some pretty impressive numbers. Our faculty and programs stack up against the best in the nation and around the world.


The College of Arts and Sciences conducts research that affects not only South Carolina but also the wider world, through scientific breakthroughs, artistic exploration, and a deep understanding of the human condition. We strive to push the boundaries of knowledge and drive innovation that results in significant changes, both big and small. Our faculty work together across different fields to find answers to important questions that affect the mind and heart.

Alumni with a strong and active presence in the community

The College of Arts and Sciences boasts a robust global network of over 75,000 alumni spread across the United States and beyond. Regardless of your location, we are always available to support you! We take pride in organizing educational, cultural, and social events that bring alumni together, whether you graduated recently or four decades ago.

National Rankings

Unless otherwise noted, rankings are from the most recent U.S. News & World Report rankings release.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.