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Weather Update: Columbia campus to open at noon, Wednesday, Jan. 22.

Arnold School of Public Health

  • Arnold School faculty standing with U.S. representative James Clyburn

James E. Clyburn Health Equity Lecture

The James E. Clyburn Health Disparities, now Health Equity, Lecture Series was created to honor Congressman James E. Clyburn for his support and partnership in reducing and eliminating health disparities. This prestigious lecture series is hosted by the Arnold School’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Department of Health Services Policy and Management along with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control’s Office of Health Equity and the USC Office of Civil Rights History and Research. 

15th Annual James E. Clyburn Health Equity Lecture | April 5, 2024

"Building Power for Health: Advocacy Organizing, and Equity"
10:00 AM
Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center | Ballrooms A & B
1101 Lincoln Street | Columbia, SC

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Jamila Michener, Ph.D. - Inaugural Director, Center for Racial Justice and Equitable Futures Senior Associate Dean of Public Engagement, Brooks School of Public Policy Cornell University

15th Annual James E. Clyburn Health Equity Lecture Series Poster Session

Call for Abstracts

  • The poster session at the 15th Annual James E. Clyburn Health Equity Lecture is an opportunity for faculty, staff, and students at the University of South Carolina and beyond to share their health disparities research with others. Abstracts submitted by individuals from other academic institutions and community organizations describing their efforts to advance health equity are also encouraged.

    We welcome structured abstracts of 300 words or less that address health disparities and health equity research and practice, broadly defined to include all populations with health disparities as defined by the National Institutes of Health, including:

    • Racially and ethnically minoritized groups
    • People with lower socioeconomic status
    • Residents of underserved rural communities
    • Sexual and gender minority groups
    • People with disabilities

    Abstracts previously presented at conferences and/or published in peer-reviewed journals will be considered, provided that there are no restrictions imposed by the conference and/or journal. All abstracts will be peer-reviewed. A poster session will be held during the reception immediately following the lecture. Due to space restrictions, a limited number of the highest scoring abstracts will be selected for the poster session. Other selected abstracts will be printed in the poster booklet with permission from the abstract authors.

    Submission and acceptance of an abstract implies that at least one of the authors will be present during the poster session. Additional information about the poster session will be emailed to the corresponding authors of selected abstracts prior to the event.

    The abstract submission deadline is Friday, March 8, 2024.

    Submit abstracts electronically using the Abstract Submission Form

    For more information, please contact: Dr. Toni Torres-McGehee (

About the Lecture

Congressman James E. Clyburn along with Senator Ernest F. Hollings was instrumental in securing funding to establish the Institute for Partnerships to Eliminate Health Disparities in 2003. The Institute created a Lecture to honor Congressman Clyburn. The Lecture was established as a mechanism to allow national and regional health disparities researchers, public health researchers, practice professionals, policy makers and community leaders to share their findings, best practices, and lessons learned with students, faculty, and the community. The goal of the lecture is to facilitate research and community engagement efforts focused on the social determinants of health and research on reducing and eliminating health disparities. Since its inception, the Lecture has been well attended by local government officials, the university’s faculty, staff and students and the community.

Past Lectures


Poster Sessions & Abstracts

The poster session at the James E. Clyburn Health Equity Lecture showcases health disparities research being conducted by faculty, staff and students at the University of South Carolina. Posters submitted by individuals from other academic institutions and community organizations describing their efforts to eliminate health disparities are also welcomed. This poster session is an opportunity for individuals to share their health disparities research with others who are engaged in similar efforts aimed at achieving health equity for all.

Poster Session & Abstracts Archive 


Leadership Awards

The James E. Clyburn Health Equity Leadership Award recognizes the contributions made by individuals and community organizations that have demonstrated a commitment to improving and protecting the health of the community. Awards are presented to health care policy makers, health disparities researchers, health care professionals, and community leaders committed to eliminating health disparities and achieving health equity. Awards are presented at the Annual James E. Clyburn Health Disparities Lecture, which is sponsored by the University of South Carolina’s Institute for Partnership to Eliminate Health Disparities and its community partners.

Past Leadership Award Winners

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
