Established in 2002 by South Carolina's leading research universities, the SmartState™ Program has created 10,000 jobs and secured more than $1.5 billion in investments from non-state
partners. The core of the Program is its approximately 55 Centers of Economic Excellence,
which are organized into six clusters. The S.C. Education Lottery provides between
$2 and $5 million in funding, which the Centers must match dollar-per-dollar with
support from non-state partners. The Program also supports SmartState Endowed Chairs
—world-renowned scientists and engineers who lead the Centers.
Arnold School SmartState Chairs and Centers
The Arnold School is home to five SmartState Endowed Chairs. These experts lead Centers
that focus on environmental nanotechnology, stroke and intellectual aging, healthy
lifestyles supported by technology, improved orthopedic outcomes, and better healthcare
quality through translational clinical research.
From inexpensive and eco-friendly technology for environmental cleanup to optimizing rehabilitation and reconstruction of damaged joints caused by orthopedic
disorders and exercise- and sports-related injuries, these Centers are on the cutting edge of innovative research and bring critical
discoveries and processes to life.