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Arnold School of Public Health


Our research is primarily centered around 5 themes:

Cigarette and vape pen

Emerging tobacco products

In recent years, a variety of novel products with nicotine have been introduced into countries around the world, such as e-cigarettes, heated tobacco products, and nicotine pouches.  To inform the development of policies that best promote public health, our research aims to understand youth and adults’ perceptions, use, and consequences of using these products

Cigarette pack with warning insert

Product labeling

Product labels are a low-cost strategies for governments to broadly disseminate health information to people across a range of populations.  We examine the effectiveness of various innovative labeling strategies for tobacco products (e.g., pictorial warnings, inserts, stick warnings) and food products (e.g., stop-sign warnings on the front of packs).

Woman selling packs of cigarettes with warning labels on them


Marketing through ads, point-of-sale, product packaging, and social media promotes product use, including through targeted efforts to disadvantaged populations. Our research monitors tobacco industry marketing efforts and their effects to inform development of stronger regulations. Social media Campaign development and evaluationWell-developed media campaigns can reduce consumption of harmful products. We use qualitative studies, experiments, and randomized clinical trials to identify messaging strategies that are most likely to be effective, and our studies evaluate the effects of national campaigns, including their health equity effects.

List of cigarette ingredients with nicotine crossed out

Campaign development and evaluation

Well-developed media campaigns can reduce consumption of harmful products. We use qualitative studies, experiments, and randomized clinical trials to identify messaging strategies that are most likely to be effective, and our studies evaluate the effects of national campaigns, including their health equity effects.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
