Active Research
The impact of tobacco control policies on health equity in the United States
Tobacco control policies and media campaigns have reduced smoking among adults and youth, yet little is known about whether tobacco control policies and programs worsen or reduce tobacco-related health disparities. This project aims to evaluate the health equity impact of key and emerging tobacco control policies and media campaign strategies.
Research activities: We are conducting secondary analysis of large, national data sets to determine impact of a range of tobacco control policies and media campaigns on youth initiation and adult cessation by race, SES and sex. Results will be integrated into simulation models to estimate longer-term public health equity impacts of different policies.
Funding Agency: National Cancer Institute/NIH (PI N Fleischer, R37 CA214787)
People: Jim Thrasher (Co-Investigator)
Diversity Supplement – “The impact of tobacco control policies on health equity in the United States”
Mentor Early Stage Investigator (Dr. Andrea Henderson, Assistant Professor of Sociology) in conducting secondary analysis of national data sets to assess whether religiosity moderates tobacco control policy effects among youth, and whether these associations vary by race/ethnicity.
Funding Agency: National Cancer Institute/NIH (PI N Fleischer, R37 CA214787-S1)
People: Jim Thrasher (site PI and mentor)