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Arnold School of Public Health


While we feel like we’ve helped the School of Public Health and the University, it has helped us more. And we feel like being able to be proud of the University is a critical part of giving.

Norman J. Arnold
Norman and Gerry Sue Arnold

Join us to improve public health, statewide and worldwide.

Public health is said to be one of the noblest professions in the world. Our educational, research and outreach efforts are all geared toward improving the health of diverse populations. Today, we face a broad expanse of public health challenges, but they are mirrored by opportunities to help reduce and eliminate these barriers and disparities. 

Whether your passion is for the health of Latino families, scholarships for students who study exercise science, cochlear implants for non-hearing children, food safety concerns, cancer prevention, or another aspect of public health, you can join us in our efforts to improve health among the various populations who need our help.

There are a wide range of funds that support the work of the Arnold School. We invite professional partners, alumni, friends and health advocates to browse the list of Arnold School Gift Funds below to decide how you would like to dedicate your gift.

  • 1C1661 - Norman J. Arnold School of Public Health Fund
    Supports programs that will enhance the Norman J. Arnold School of Public Health. This may include professorships, chairs, scholarships, research grants, lectureships or other expenditures. 
  • 1A3200 – Arnold School of Public Health Carolina Fund
    Supports programs that will enhance the Norman J. Arnold School of Public Health.
  • A31141-Anne E. Rainey Outdoor Plaza and Garden
    Supports the beautification of the Anne Edens Rainey Outdoor Plaza & Garden and the general programs of the Arnold School of Public Health.
  • A32063 - Arnold School of Public Health Graduate Student Support Fund
    Provides fellowships for graduate students attending the Arnold School of Public Health.
  • A32062 - Arnold School of Public Health Undergraduate Student Affairs Fund
    Provides scholarships and stipends for undergraduate students attending the Arnold School of Public Health. The fund may also be used to support professional development activities for undergraduate students.
  • A32778 – G. Thomas Chandler Undergraduate Scholarship Fund
  • A31107 - Delta Omega Fellowship Fund
    Supports a fellowship for students currently enrolled in the Arnold School of Public Health who demonstrate merit based on academic or research ability or show dedication to public health through service activities.
  • B11498 - James E. and Emily E. Clyburn Public Health Endowed Scholarship Fund
    Supports scholarships for students enrolled in the 5-year dual degree BS/MPH degree from Claflin University and the Arnold School of Public Health. Students receive an undergraduate degree in biology at Claflin & a Masters of Public Health at the Arnold School. 
  • 1B1472 - James A. Keith Teaching Award
    Provides an annual award to a faculty member in the Arnold School of Public Health for excellence in teaching. 
  • A31390 - John Luehrs Annual Fellowship Award Fund
    Supports annual fellowships for graduate students of the Arnold School of Public Health.
  • B12034 - J. Timothy Browne Endowed Scholarship Fund
    Supports scholarship for students attending the Arnold School of Public Health.
  • B11524 - Patricia Dolan Hermann Endowed Fellowship Fund
    Supports fellowships for graduate students at the Arnold School of Public Health.
  • B11116 - Winona B. Vernberg Bicentennial Fellowship Fund
    Supports fellowships for graduate students at the Arnold School of Public Health.
  • B12600 – The Nicholas Anthony Donofrio Endowed Scholarship Fund for Public Health

    Applicants must be an enrolled student in the Public Health (B.A./B.S.) or Exercise Science (B.S.) degree programs.  The Nicholas Anthony Donofrio Memorial Endowed Scholarship will be awarded to provide support for a student who is academically qualified with demonstrated financial need.  Applicants must meet the minimum required GPA as set forth by the Arnold School of Public Health’s Undergraduate Scholarship Committee

  • 1A3338 - Communication Sciences and Disorders Fund
    Supports the instruction, services and resource activities of the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.
  • A31152 - Angel Fund
    Provides financial assistance for patients of the Montgomery Speech, Language, and Hearing Clinic .
  • A32422 - Communication Sciences & Disorders Diversity Fellowship
    Provides support for incoming Masters students from underrepresented student populations enrolled in the Communication Sciences and Disorders field.
  • L31097 - Department of Communications Sciences & Disorders Renovation Fund
    Supports Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders facilities to include but not limited to furnishings, equipment and improvements.
  • B12078 - Elaine M. Frank Endowed Fellowship Fund
    Supports Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders doctoral students with annual fellowship awards.
  • 1B1793 - Ph.D. Fellowship Fund in Communication Sciences and Disorders Fund
    Supports a fellowship in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.
  • A31937 - SC Research on Language and Literacy Lab Fund
    Supports the programs, activities and community outreach efforts pursued by the S.C. Research on Language and Literacy Lab ("Lab") within the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.
  • B11169 - Sharon G. Webber Endowed Fellowship Fund
    Supports fellowships for students in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.
  • A31135 - 21st Century Fellowship Fund
    Supports a fellowship for worthy students pursuing a graduate degree in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.
  • A31983 – Montgomery Speech, Language, and Hearing Clinic
    Supports the Montgomery Speech, Language, and Hearing Clinic , the Communications Sciences and Disorders Department’s academic and clinical programs, and helps the Department continue its goal to expand its program.
  • 1A3300 - Environmental Health Sciences Fund
    Supports the instruction, services and resource activities of the Department of Environmental Health Sciences.
  • C11031 - Arnold Nanoenvironmental Research & Risk Assessment Chair Fund
    Supports the Nanoenvironmental Research & Risk Assessment Chair, which will focus on the impact of nanotechnology on the environment, specifically, the scientific, technological, health, economic, legal, and societal effects.
  • A31463-Environmental Health Sciences Alumni Fellowship Fund
    Supports fellowships in the Department of Environmental Health Sciences.
  • A32777 – G. Thomas Chandler Environmental Health Sciences Lecture Fund
  • B11675 - Henry N. McKellar, Jr. Endowed Fellowship Fund
    Supports students pursuing graduate degrees in the field of Applied Aquatic Science at USC including, but not limited to the Arnold School of Public Health.
  • 1C1412 - Henry Savage Jr. Chair in Environmental Quality and Global Health Fund
    Supports funding to attract and/or retain an outstanding professor for the Chair.
  • 1A3083 - Epidemiology and Biostatistics Fund
    Supports the instruction, services and resource activities of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics.
  • A31457-Epidemiology and Biostatistics Alumni Fellowship Fund
    Supports fellowships in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics.
  • A31333 - Office for the Study of Aging Fund
    Supports activities, special projects & general program enhancement for the Office for the Study of Aging. The Office is committed to advancing research and education in aging issues including Alzheimers and related dementias.
  • 1A3493 - Exercise Science Department Fund
    Supports the instruction, services and resource activities of the Department of Exercise Science.
  • A32198 – ASPH Academic Athletic Training Support Fund
    Supports the Athletic Training program, including student support, student recruitment, student training, awards, educational opportunities and other related needs.
  • 1A3436 – Athletic Training Scholarship PE Fund
    Supports scholarships for the Athletic Training program.
  • B12229 – Brainard Cooper Athletic Training Fellowship
    Brainard Cooper Athletic Training Fellowship honors Brainard Cooper’s legacy and his 35 years of service as a devoted athletic trainer for the University of South Carolina. The Fellowship supports the athletic training graduate programs at the Arnold School, which boasts two No. 1 sport science programs, including exercise science and athletic training. Cooper touched the lives of many students who went through the Arnold School of Public Health’s renowned athletic training programs.
  • A31777 - The Childhood Obesity Prevention Initiative Fund
    Supports a school-based program to promote physical activity and good nutrition to prevent childhood obesity.
  • A31818 - The Doctoral Physical Therapy Program Fund
    Supports the Arnold School’s Doctoral Physical Therapy Program.
  • A32250 - Exercise Science Master Graduate Student Support Fund
    Supports the costs associated with research performed by Master graduate students enrolled in the Arnold School of Public Health's Exercise Science Department.
  • A31450 - Exercise Science Student Support Fund
    Supports scholarships and fellowships to recruit outstanding students for the Department of Exercise Science and to assist worthy students already enrolled in the department.
  • 1A3782 - Hershey Exercise Science Fund
    Supports graduate assistantships, supplies and travel expenses for the Department of Exercise Science.
  • 1A3556 - Perceptual-Motor Development Laboratory Fund
    Supports activities, special projects, services, staffing and general enhancement of the program, which serves the development needs of children and balance issues in older adults.
  • A31867 - Physical Activity Epidemiology Fund
    Supports collaborations regarding current and future global physical activity epidemiology study partnerships with the Arnold School of Public Health and other entities.
  • A31919 - The Physical Activity and Public Health Courses (PAPH) Fund
    Supports development, planning and conduct of the courses offered under the PAPH program.
  • A31851 - Scottye Hedstrom Memorial Athletic Training Scholarship Fund
    Supports scholarships for Athletic Training students who demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in athletic training. The fund was established in memory of Scottye Hedstrom.
  • A31351 - Steven Blair Physical Activity Fund
    Supports the Physical Activity Research program, including funding for Ph.D. students, postdoctoral scholars, computer equipment for research projects, and funds for pilot studies.
  • C11029 - Technology Center to Advance Healthful Lifestyles CoEE Fund
    Supports the Technology Center to Advance Healthful Lifestyles. The Center will develop technology, such as interactive, web-based coaching programs, to help people make healthier lifestyle choices and delay or prevent chronic diseases. The Center will develop tools that can reach all segments of society and reduce health disparities.
  • B11711 - The Torchbearers Society Endowment Fund
    Supports student scholarships and fellowships, faculty professorships and stipends, programs and general support for the Department of Exercise Science at the Arnold School of Public Health.
  • 1A3291 - Department of Health Education Fund
    Supports the instruction, services and resource activities of the Arnold School’s Department of Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior.
  • B12109 - Ann Cassady Endowed Fellowship Fund
    Supports fellowships for students at the Arnold School of Public Health’s Department of Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior.
  • B11838 - Butterfoss Community Research Endowment Fund
    Supports the advanced community-based research efforts of top Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior departmental graduate students.
  • 1A1378 - Health Promotion & Education Student Research Endowment Fund
    Supports the advanced research efforts of top departmental students through financial assistance, closer guidance and support from departmental faculty.
  • A31462 - HPEB Alumni Fellowship Fund
    Supports fellowships in the Department of Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior.
  • A32301 – Behavioral Research in Eating (BRIE) Lab Fund
    Supports costs associated with research, professional development, student compensation and program materials for the BRIE Lab which focuses on discovering ways to help people eat healthier, lose weight, and prevent chronic disease.
  • 1B1132 - Mary Elizabeth Newton Fellowship in HPEB Fund
    Supports fellowships in the Department of Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior. Preference is given to native South Carolinians.
  • B11968 - The Nelon-Pearson Public Health Legacy Doctoral Endowed Fellowship Fund
    Supports a fellowship for a Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior Doctoral student.
  • 1A3199 - Health Services Policy and Management Fund
    Supports the instruction, services and resource activities of the Department of Health Services Policy and Management.
  • A31394 - Carleen H. Stoskoph Fellowship Fund in Department of Health Services Policy and Management Fund
    Supports a fellowship for a doctoral student in the Department of Health Services Policy and Management.
  • A31547 - Healthcare Executive Student Association Fund
    Supports travel for graduate students in the Department of Health Services Policy and Management to national and international meetings in the field of public health in the Department of Health Services Policy and Management.
  • B11828 - Health Policy Research Support Endowment Fund
    Supports faculty and student research activities in the Department of Health Services Policy and Management.
  • 1B1577 - Michael D. Jarrett Scholarship Fund
    Supports a fellowship for a Department of Health Services Policy and Management graduate student at the Arnold School of Public Health.
  • B11769 - Michael E. and Sandra P. Samuels Distinguished Alumni Award Fund
    Supports the Distinguished Alumni Award, given annually in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the field of health management and policy by an alumnus of the Department of Health Services Policy and Management.
  • 1A3846 - Palmetto Health Alliance Scholarship
    Supports scholarships based on academic excellence and financial need to students in the Department of Health Services Policy and Management.
  • A32241 - Scholarship and Student Workforce Development Fund
    Supports students in healthcare areas by funding scholarships; travel for healthcare related student activities; community engagement and collation-building; student research efforts; training programs, and technical solutions and assistance.
  • 1B1336 - Susie James Yates Scholarship Fund
    Supports scholarships for students in the Department of Health Services Policy and Management.
  • B11844 - Dr. Suzan D. Boyd Doctoral Fellowship Fund
    Supports a fellowship for a doctoral student in the Department of Health Services Policy and Management.
  • A31559 - Blanchard Machinery Company Rehabilitation Laboratory Fund
    Supports activities, supplies, expenses and enhancements to support the research of the Blanchard Machinery Company Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Lab.
  • A31325 - Cancer Prevention and Control Program
    Supports production of materials to educate community partners, the development and testing of dietary, physical activity and other lifestyle interventions to prevent and control cancer and the development of programmatic activities important to improve the public’s health.
  • 1A3908 - Center for Nutrition
    Supports the activities of the Center for Research in Nutrition and Health Disparities. The Center is comprised of outstanding interdisciplinary scholars and stakeholders engaged in meaningful research and transformational activities in the field of nutrition and health disparities.
  • A31422 - Consortium for Latino Immigration Studies Fund ASPH
    Supports activities, special projects and general program enhancement of the Consortium. The Consortium promotes and coordinates multi-disciplinary research related to Latinos in S.C. and the Southeast.
  • A31780 - The Institute for Partnerships to Eliminate Health Disparities
    Supports the Institute for Partnership to Eliminate Health Disparities. The Institute works to eliminate health disparities and promote health equity.
  • A31773 - KershawHealth Partnership Fund
    Supports the Arnold School of Public Health as part of the collaborative partnership between the Arnold School and KershawHealth.
  • A31602 - The PASOs Program Fund
    Supports the PASOs Program, a community-based organization hosted by the Arnold School that helps the Latino community in SC and service providers work together for strong and healthy families. Funds would directly support culturally appropriate health education and leadership development initiatives within Latino communities of S.C.
  • A31934 - PASOs: South Carolina Lowcountry PASOs Fund
    Supports activities, special projects and general enhancements of the PASOs Program in the S.C. Lowcountry Region.
  • A31935 - PASOs: South Carolina Midlands PASOs Fund
    Supports activities, special projects and general enhancements of the PASOs Program in the S.C. Midlands Region.
  • A31933 – PASOs: South Carolina Upstate PASOs Fund
    Supports activities, special projects and general enhancements of the PASOs Program in the S.C. Upstate Region.
  • 1A3639 - Prevention Center Fund
    Supports the activities of the Prevention Research Center. The Center promotes physical activity through community intervention, training, dissemination, and applied research.
  • a31982 - Raja Fayed Memorial Fund
    The Raja Fayad Memorial Fund has been established to remember Dr. Fayad and the tremendous impact he had through his teaching and research. This fund will be used to continue his positive influence on students and faculty within the Arnold School of Public Health.

Online Giving

  1. Visit the University's Give Now portal.
  2. Enter the amount of your gift.
  3. Click the option “I would like to specify an area to support.” Checking this box will open a text box where you will be able to place the name and fund number of the gift fund you have chosen to support from the list above. For general support of the Arnold School, enter “Arnold School of Public Health Carolina Fund” in this box.
  4. Complete the rest of the online form to make your gift.

Giving by Mail

If you prefer to mail your gift, please make all checks payable to the USC Educational Foundation, note the fund name and number in the memo section of your check and mail it to:

Arnold School of Public Health
Office of Development
915 Greene Street, 251 D
Columbia, SC 29208

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.