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Arnold School of Public Health

  • Farmers and scientists looking at plans

Research Areas

Arnold School research is often interdisciplinary and characterized by collaborative partnerships from across Arnold School departments and colleges within USC as well as universities and organizations around the nation and the world. These partnerships frequently takes place through our Centers and Programs and almost always involve students.

Department Research 

COMD research involves the scientific study of speech production, speech perception, hearing, language organization in the brain, and language and literacy development and disorders.

ENHS research aims to understand how environmental exposures affect human health and disease and how human activities affect the environment--often through collaboration with scientists in other fields.

EPID/BIOS has a diverse research portfolio and a strong tradition of collaborating with public and private health agencies and institutions, which enables us to generate new knowledge that can lead to improvements in health.

EXSC research examines the relationships among exercise participation, physical activity and human health and focus on the development and delivery of preventive and rehabilitative physical activity programs that promote health and prevent disease.

HPEB research is interdisciplinary in nature and focuses on the application of the social and behavioral sciences to improve public health, with an emphasis on how interventions, social context, health care systems, and physical environments influence health behaviors and health status.

HSPM research is interdisciplinary and is concerned with the promotion of personal and public health through planning, organizing, directing, controlling, coordinating, and evaluating health services.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.