Emily Shull, MS recently published, “Organized Sport Participation, Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in the Transition from Middle School to High School” in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. Shull is a current doctoral student in The Arnold School of Public Health in the Department of Exercise Science with a concentration in Health Aspects of Physical Activity. She was a recipient of the Arnold School’s 2019 Emerging Scholar in Childhood Obesity Research where she focused on the influence of sports participation on physical activity in children and adolescents. She then presented her research topic “Associations between Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Youth Sport Participation” at the Arnold Childhood Obesity Initiative Lecture. When asked about her research interests, Shull said “This article is focused on the transition from middle school to high school because that is a period when physical activity levels tend to decline and sport drop out rates tend to increase. Exploring physical activity and sedentary behavior in relation to youth sport participation during this important transitional time led to a clear conclusion. We found that those who participated in sport in both middle school and high school were more active and less sedentary than their peers who did not participate.”