Dr. Thigpen is leading an effort to generate clinical evidence by assessing treatment variation provided to orthopedic patients and the resultant outcome implications across the care continuum. The keystone of generating impactful evidence is the ability to link clinical diagnosis and the subsequent treatments patients receive for pain and disability related to orthopedic disease to patient reported outcomes. The ability to meet this goal hinges upon a data collection system that accurately and fully measures for each patient clinical diagnosis, factors affecting treatment choices, the resultant treatment choices and ultimate outcome. This data collection system will provides the best opportunity to assess the patient-centeredness of treatment choices, and to demonstrate the comparative effectiveness of alternative treatment choices in real world orthopedic practice. Dr. Thigpen will work in collaboration with partners to define and assist with the implement a data collection system for assessing patient-centered care and the comparative effectiveness of orthopedic treatments. The data collection system will be originated within the Steadman-Hawkins Clinics of the Carolinas, ATI Physical Therapy and the Prisma Health.