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Arnold School of Public Health

Ellen Shanley, PhD, PT, OCS Director, Athletic Injury Research, Prevention and Education

Dr. Shanley is responsible for the injury prevention research program with an overall goal to reduce the incidence and impact of athletic injuries. Ultimately, the program will advance the positive resolution of sports injuries and promote life-long health of athletes and orthopaedic patients. Attainment of these goals depends on quality research, education, and effective clinical practice. The core asset for this research program is the Greenville Health System athletic trainer network database. Dr. Shanley will lead CRRS collaboration efforts with trainer network management to asses potential center support needs leading to the effective collection of athletic injury data.

In addition, Dr. Shanley will work in collaboration with partners to develop injury monitoring tools, athletic exposures, risk factors, and treatment interventions across the continuum of the individual’s health. The director will also serve as an advisor for development, execution, and dissemination of the injury prevention research and education efforts of the CRRS.


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