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Arnold School of Public Health

  • Plaque for Raja Fayad Memorial


Raja Fayad Memorial Fund

The University of South Carolina lost a member of its family due to a tragic event on February 5, 2015. Professor Raja Fayad of the Arnold School of Public Health came to the university in 2008 and had a tremendous impact through his teaching and research. A native of Lebanon, Dr. Fayad was an Associate Professor and Director of the Integrative Immunology of Inflammation and Cancer Laboratory.

The Raja Fayad Memorial Fund has been established to remember Dr. Fayad. This fund will be used to continue his positive influence on students and faculty within the Arnold School of Public Health.

Gifts made in memory of Professor Fayad can be made online by visiting the Fund donation page or by mailing a check made payable to University Foundations to the following address:

University of South Carolina
Office of Gift Processing
1027 Barnwell Street
Columbia, S.C. 29208

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