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Arnold School of Public Health

  • Staff Spotlight

Staff Spotlight: Tiffony Burnes

September 11, 2024 | Erin Bluvas,

Tiffony Burnes worked at a community health center in the Lowcountry for years before the Beaufort native decided to make a fresh start in Columbia. She transferred to another center in the Midlands in 2019 and soon realized just how many career opportunities were available in the capital city.

By 2020, Burnes had accepted a position with the Department of Mental Health. During her three years as an administrative assistant, she coordinated maintenance for state vehicles and assisted with patient scheduling and transportation needs.

I get to meet people from different countries. I love forming lifetime bonds over the slightest stories, such as how a dish is prepared in his or her culture.

Tiffony Burnes

Last fall, she joined the Arnold School’s Department of Environmental Health Sciences(ENHS). As an administrative assistant, Burnes oversees travel processing, helps with student hiring, and provides scheduling and other support wherever she is needed. With her years of customer service experience, she loves helping and accommodating student and staff needs.

"Tiffony has truly been a PERFECT addition to our admin staff of three," ENHS business manager Destine Rivers says. "She has been a quick learner, team player, excited to learn new things, and truly has become a great friend. We appreciate all that she does and her willingness to learn in such a fast-paced environment. I always make the joke that is the 'third piece to our puzzle and our office is complete,' but I absolutely mean that. We are excited for her future here and her continuous growth!"

Tiffony Burnes
Tiffony Burnes is an administrative assistant in the Department of Environmental Health Sciences. 

Living in Columbia and working at the state’s flagship university, Burnes has enjoyed enriching cultural experiences. She fondly remembers attending her first college basketball game last winter with co-workers and has loved getting to know people from diverse backgrounds.

“I get to meet people from different countries,” Burnes says. “I love forming lifetime bonds over the slightest stories, such as how a dish is prepared in his or her culture.”

These interactions have even changed her perspective on everyday life.

“Recently, I learned that rain is a joyous thing to celebrate, which I relate rain to naps, snuggling and gloomy weather,” she says.

Off campus, Burnes is a mom of two, who serves on the committee for the Parent Teacher Organization. She is a committed band mom and loves barbequing with her brother on his food truck.

“But overall,” Burnes says, “nothing beats a family game night, creating long-lasting memories with my loved ones.”

The Staff Spotlight Series is sponsored by the Arnold School's Office of Access and Collective Engagement.

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