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Arnold School of Public Health

Nine Arnold School graduate students earn 2015-2016 SPARC Graduate Research Grants to fund individual scholarship initiatives

February 3, 2016 | Erin Bluvas, 

Arnold School graduate students from the Departments of Exercise Science, Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and Environmental Health Sciences have earned nine of the 2015-2016 SPARC Graduate Research Grants from the USC Office of the Vice President for Research. These students have 15 months to complete SPARC-funded projects (up to $5,000 each) that support the completion or promotion of their research, creative or other meritorious scholarship. Previous SPARC awards have been used by Arnold School students to fund projects, such as maximizing physical activity for children in after school programs and molecular diagnostic testing in lung cancer.

Upon completion, the students will present their findings at Graduate Student Day and are encouraged to develop articles and papers based on their projects for publication in scholarly journals. Before the actual projects even begin, however, the students have already learned about the competitive research proposal process that will continue throughout many of their careers. The Office of the Vice President for Research designs SPARC application materials to simulate the experience of applying for nationally competitive grants, helping applicants develop their skills in these areas. Students must supply the standard components of a comprehensive grant proposal package, such as a detailed research narrative, budget and other supporting documentation.

Congratulations to the following Arnold School graduate students who have earned 2015-2016 SPARC awards.

Name Department Project Title
Keith Brazendale  Exercise Science A Pilot Study Investigating the Etiology of Accelerated Weight Gain of Children During Summer vs. School Year
Deeonna Farr Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior  The Impact of False Positive Mammography Results on Breast Cancer Screening Intention in Black Women
Victoria Henbest  Communication Sciences and Disorders Is a systematic analysis of spelling a valid measure of orthographic and phonological awareness skills in 1st grade students? 
Junxiu Liu  Epidemiology and Biostatistics  Body Mass Index Trajectories in the First Year and Its Association with the Risk of Being Overweight or Obese at Six Years of Age in Children 
Xiaonan Ma  Epidemiology and Biostatistics  Food Shopping Patterns and Associations with Obesity 
Seyyedali Mirshahghassemi  Environmental Health Sciences  Evaluation of Polymer-Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles for Oil Separation from Oil-Water Mixture in Natural Waters 
Ligia Reyes  Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior  Understanding Mothers’ Food Choices on Behalf of Children Under Five in Rural Panama 
Maria Sevoyan  Epidemiology and Biostatistics  Causal Effect of Colchicine Therapy on Renal Amyloidosis in Patients with Familial Mediterranean Fever
Jie Zhou  Epidemiology & Biostatistics Joint Model of the CVD Mortality and Nonlinear Longitudinal Effect of Physical Activity

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