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University Libraries

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A change is coming to Kanopy streaming films

On Feb. 28, UofSC Libraries will change the way it works with Kanopy

UofSC Libraries is modifying its subscription to Kanopy, a streaming service that offers licensed access to a wide array of documentary and feature films.

Beginning February 28, 2021, new Kanopy film licenses will be purchased only if the film is required material for a course. Film licenses for personal use will no longer be offered. A film that is already licensed through Kanopy can be viewed until its license expires.

UofSC Libraries support access to other streaming film services with quality film content, and we make every effort to provide access through other services or formats. Faculty and instructors can make online requests for films, and are encouraged to explore titles on these other streaming platforms

If you are using a licensed film for a class and are concerned about its expiration date, or if you have additional questions about using Kanopy and other film streaming services, please contact Christian Lear, Educational Films, at

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